Regulatory Affairs
February 7, 2019

In December, Technical Safety BC sent a draft directive on Propane Filling Plants and Container Refill Centers to stakeholders in our industry for comment. The CPA drafted and presented a detailed submission to TSBC that included members' comments and suggestions.

The Saskatchewan Government has sent a survey to propane companies doing business in the province to get their feedback on the level of administrative burden faced by the industry. Reduction of administrative burden is a priority for the association and the CPA strongly encourages Saskatchewan members to make their voices heard. Click here to complete the survey.

The Government of Saskatchewan has announced that SaskPower’s Gas and Electrical Inspections Division will be transitioning over to Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK). This transition, which was announced in December 2018, will take place over the course of 2019-20 and is expected to be completed by fall 2020. Over this same period, plumbing inspections and licensing currently done through the Saskatchewan Health Authority will also be moved to TSASK.

Pro-Par Inc.
Free Access to CSA Standards

The list of regulatory requirements developed to serve as an information tool for our members was recently updated.  It can be viewed here.

The CPA holds a number of Equivalency Certificates on behalf of its members and are available on the CPA websiteThe terms and conditions of each Equivalency Certificate must be adhered to at all times. 

Ongoing Consultation & Updates

New editions of CSA Codes, which are expected to be published in 2020, are currently being developed. As part of the standards development process, the CSA has posted the draft codes for public review and comment on its website. 

CPA Committee Updates

A new meeting date will be announced shortly. 

Date: February 13, 2019

Venue: Viscount Gort Hotel

Click here to view the meeting package. 

Date: February 25, 2019

Venue: The Hollis (Halifax, NS)

Date: March 6, 2019

Time: 1pm ET

Date: March 7, 2019
Time: 11am ET

WESROC Monitoring Solutions
Flexmaster Canada Limited
ValvTect Petroleum Products
Lock America, Inc

Date: February 26-28, 2019

Location: Calgary, AB

CPA members are entitled to a 15% discount when purchasing a conference pass to the Operational Excellence in Energy, Chemicals & Resources Summit being held June 3-5, 2019 in Calgary.

Date: September 6 & 7

Location: Red Deer, AB

Date: September 10

Location: Langley, BC