Regulatory Affairs
June 20, 2019

Last week at the CSA Technical Committee meetings on Tanks and Portable Tanks for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Transport Canada provided several regulatory updates. 

As part of the work that Transport Canada is doing with harmonization of Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, they are seeking industry input on the demand for road transport of non-odourized propane.

New additions of these standards are expected to be released in early 2020. A draft version of the changes will be released in the fall of 2019; the CPA will ensure that the drafts are circulated to members.

Ottawa says the federal carbon tax will be imposed on Alberta starting January 1, 2019 after the Alberta government passed legislation to terminate the provincial carbon tax.

The recalled vent kits installed on the gas pool heaters are not the proper size and can allow carbon monoxide to leak, posing a carbon monoxide poisoning hazard to consumers.

If you sell medical devices please be aware of the updated schedule of fees from Health Canada. More information can be found in Canada Gazette, Part II: Vol. 153, No. 11.

Pro-Par Inc.
Free Access to CSA Standards

The official publication of the Environmental Emergency Regulations (E2 Regulations), 2019 in the Canada Gazette, Part II, occurred on March 6, 2019. The E2 Regulations will come into force on August 24, 2019.

New editions of standards CSA B339, CSA B340, CSA B341 and CSA B342 are effective since December 31, 2018.

WESROC Monitoring Solutions
Flexmaster Canada Limited
ValvTect Petroleum Products
Lock America, Inc

Date: September 6 & 7

Location: Red Deer, AB

Date: September 10

Location: Langley, BC

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