SCOT FORGE - ATTN: Maggie Dort
AGMA Gear Industry News
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McInnes Rolled Rings
Continental AG is in exploratory talks with advisers on what could amount to its biggest-ever overhaul and a possible breakup of the German auto-parts supplier, according to people familiar with the matter.
This article discusses three important things: IoT, Servitization, and 3D printing.
Each Wednesday, AGMA chooses four articles in emerging technology from the week to highlight. If you are looking to keep up on trends in 3D printing, Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics and Automation, and New Materials, you should make the Tech Trends your stop each Wednesday afternoon.
Star SU LLC.
Gleason Corporation
Kapp Technologies
Plant Services
Richard Grylls has spent more than 20 years studying and promoting the use of metal in additive manufacturing, and recently spoke with Plant Services managing editor Christine LaFave Grace about the workforce implications of 3D printing's ascent in industry.
Ford Motor Co. is offering a diesel engine in its F-150 pickup for the first time. Heavy duty trucks like the F-250 or F-350 have always had diesel engines, but full-size trucks like the F-150 have not. Ford is hoping to gain some customers from rivals Ram and Nissan, which both offer diesels in their full-size trucks.
All Metals & Forge Group, LLC
(Video) Made by a company called Nextrencher, these machines can dig trenches in seconds digging holes up to 5.5 meters deep.
Manufacturing Global
According to a recent study published by the European Patent Office (EPO), Europe is the leader within the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies industry, with more patents relating to 4IR technologies originating in Europe than anywhere else in the world.
Specialty Ring Products
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that manufacturers added 25,000 workers in December, extending the strong hiring gains in the sector seen throughout much of 2017. Manufacturing employment rose by 16,333 per month on average in 2017 —quite a turnaround from the loss of 16,000 workers per month in 2016. 
Researchers have invented a new additive manufacturing process that prints the whole structure at the same time. As a result, the new method is a "layer-less" means pf printing objects. 
Gear Technology
DMG Mori USA has announced the appointment of James V. Nudo as the new president of their organization. Nudo has been with DMG Mori for over 14 years and has served as executive officer of DMG Mori USA and executive officer of the International Legal Department and International Human Resources Department for DMG Mori Co. Ltd.
Cincinnati Gearing Systems Inc.
Automation World
Manufacturers, vendors and service providers are working diligently to understand the net impact of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IIoT is disrupting manufacturing, starting with existing systems, and this is spurring initiatives, pilots and studies around the world. 
Fossil fuels are both an increasingly expensive energy option and a driving force in climate change. Britain is pushing to replace coal with renewable energy, and currently produces twice as much electricity with wind as coal.
Machine Design
The world of IoT is past the hype and into widespread adoption. Companies that got a head start in 2017 will now reap the benefits of a growing market in 2018.
Forest City Gear Company
Forest City Gear Company
We're Great for Gears in Higher Volumes Too!
Think Forest City Gear is only for high quality gears in low volumes? Guess again! We've ramped up for the complete production of precision gears in higher volumes, including continuous generating grinding. Think Forest City for high volumes. Contact: - 815-623-5256
This course addresses the various types of materials used for gears and the advantages and disadvantages of specific material choices. Heat treatment processes and their relation to gear performance, cost, reliability, and load characteristics are examined as well as best practice for engineer drawings related to the materials selection process. Learn the roles of the gear design engineer and the gear metallurgist from two instructors (who have worked together for 40 years) and how collaborative efforts can provide better outcomes. Discover how both the gear design engineer and the gear metallurgist can better grasp their related, critical roles in the exciting world of gear processing, heat treatment and inspection.
MIT News
MIT today announced the launch of the Institute’s third MITx MicroMasters program, in principles of manufacturing. The new program brings an advanced manufacturing curriculum to the MITx platform for the first time and enables learners worldwide to advance their careers by mastering the fundamental skills needed for global manufacturing excellence and competitiveness.
SRI Advertising
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) has been officially accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). 
AGMA – Gear Matters Blog
Casandra Blassingame, AGMA Director of Education, provides information on the difference between courses for credit and courses for continuing education units. 
Modern Machine Shop
Automation might seem like a clear way for a machine shop to increase capacity, but the cost required means it typically doesn’t make sense for small-volume production. Kilgore Manufacturing in Columbia City, Indiana, has a dedicated automated manufacturing cell that can run for eight hours unattended and enables the shop to ship 3,500 units of a particular part per week. 
American Stress Technologies
This is different from nital etch and eddy current. We are a non-destructive testing solution for grinding burn detection, case depth measurement, heat treat defect detection, and residual stress measurement. Discover how this can improve your quality inspection process.


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