AGMA Gear Industry News

American Gear Manufacturers Association

McInnes Rolled Rings

Center for Automotive Research (CAR)
As the coronavirus crisis continues to disrupt the global economy, North American vehicle sales have dropped sharply, and production has come to nearly a complete stop. Given the complexity of automotive manufacturing, the tremendous capital required to restart production, and the industry’s deep global supply chains, resuming vehicle production in North American will be a complex undertaking that is likely to take place in stages. 

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The Hill
Communities reliant on the oil and gas industry say it may take years, not months, to bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic that's ravaging local economies. Even in towns accustomed to the boom-and-bust cycle of oil markets, government officials say they’ve been hit with a double whammy.

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The COVID-19 pandemic could inflict lasting harm on employment in U.S. manufacturing — a critical sector for the U.S. economy. My colleagues and I estimate that at least 3.5 million — and potentially more than 5 million — U.S. manufacturing are vulnerable because of the current crisis.

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First Gear Engineering & Technology
Star SU LLC.
Gleason Corporation
Kapp Technologies
Pennsylvania Business Report
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross has announced the initiation of a department-wide investigation into whether electrical steel components imported into the United States pose a national security threat.

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Click On Detroit
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced last week that she has reopened manufacturing, including the Big Three automakers — Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler — starting Monday. Manufacturing workers can return to the job Monday (May 11), Whitmer said, automakers don’t plan on resuming for another week.

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Gear Solutions
Solar Manufacturing announced MetalPro Resources will assume the role of sales representative for the states of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. MetalPro Resources consists of three qualified individuals in the field of thermal processing and metallurgy.

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Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions
Design News
To combat the risk of human interaction and fill-in for a workforce that is being asked to stay home, we’re seeing robotics step in to do the dirty work. However, what’s even more interesting is how automation will be shaped by this period.

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Network World
Just when we needed it most, the internet of things is delivering gobs of data and remote device control across almost every industry, from healthcare to agriculture.

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The Verge
Pittsburgh International Airport has put UVC fixtures on its floor-cleaning robots, making it the first airport in the U.S. to test the use of the ultravilot rays to scrub the coronavirus from surfaces. If effective, the UV-cleaning robots could be a model for other airports as they plan to reopen and try to persuade people to travel again.

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Cincinnati Gearing Systems Inc.
Additive manufacturing methodologies for high–melting point metallic materials are being used in the advanced aerospace and biomedical sectors to fabricate high-value and geometrically complex parts in moderate production volumes. One barrier to more widespread applications is the gaps in the understanding of the processes that occur during the layer-by-layer buildup by beam heating and melting of powder or wire layers.

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Production Engineering Solutions
The company designs and manufacturers a wide range of complex metal components. It has harnessed the design freedoms of 3D metal printing to deliver bespoke, innovative parts for use in oil and gas, water treatment, pharma, food and beverage and aerospace industries.

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Production of battery metals such as graphite, lithium and cobalt will have to increase by nearly 500% by 2050 to meet the growing demand for clean energy technologies, the World Bank reported Monday.

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Viking Forge Corp.
Piselli Enterprises, Inc.
In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s a race against the clock not only to find a vaccine but also to supply healthcare workers with life-saving equipment such as face shields, masks and test kits.

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Cohesion, the ability to keep things together, from the scale of nanoparticles to building sites is inherent to these nanofibrils, which can act as mortar to a nearly infinite type of particles as described in the study.

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Join one of AGMA’s favorite Annual Meeting speakers who will provide an update on the current situation and scenarios for what may lie ahead in our industry for 2020 and beyond.

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Forest City Gear Company
AGMA has moved many of its courses online including Gearbox Field Inspections: Load Distribution, Lubrication, and Conditioning Monitoring.
Gears can fail due to various damage patterns. In this study, the combined influence of shaft misalignments and gear lead crown on load distribution and tooth bending stresses is applied to real world circumstances.

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Battery-electric cars have won the short-term race for green ascendancy, but the case for hydrogen fuel cells refuses to go away, even though its start date is receding into the distance, according to a report.

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Lucid unveils its fleet of ‘beta’ air prototype electric cars as it still prepares for the launch of the production version, despite potential delays amid the pandemic.

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Centrica, the parent company of British Gas, has announced a new strategic partnership with auto manufacturer Lotus to give electric vehicle (EV) owners more viability to store electricity and reduce household emissions. The two companies are working together on a new model for EV ownership that will extend to domestic use by making EVs capable of storing energy from households. 

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American Gear Manufacturers Association
1001 N. Fairfax Street, 5th Floor, Alexandria, VA, 22314-1587