AGMA Gear Industry News

American Gear Manufacturers Association

McInnes Rolled Rings

Despite the signing of a “phase one” trade agreement with China, the United States continues to levy Section 301 tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of imports from China, while China continues its own retaliatory tariffs. This webinar will discuss the prospects for the resolution of the U.S.-China trade dispute in 2020, the likely scope and timing of a “phase two” deal, and what you need to do to prepare your own business to thrive despite the shifting landscape of U.S.-China trade relations. 

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Robotics and Automation
Volkswagen is to construct an infrastructure for the battery cell factory it has agreed to build with Northvolt. The automotive giant has made initial investment of some €450 million.

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Gear Solutions
Exact Metrology, a comprehensive metrology service provider, shares helpful safety tips for metrology workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. These tips are courtesy of Jason Kleinhenz, Exact Metrology marketing and training manager.

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Star SU LLC.
Gleason Corporation
Kapp Technologies
Eighty percent of manufacturers have retained their staff through the pandemic period, according to a survey of almost 300 manufacturers. The survey conducted this week was sent to manufacturers in Australia, the UK, Europe and North America.

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IHS Markit will provide the latest industry information for AGMA members. We have done this webinar for several years but this one has special significance due to the world circumstances. We are taking unprecedented steps and are providing the webinar FREE for AGMA members. Additionally, all member that attend the live event will receive the complete Q2 Gear Market Report.

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The U.S. is experiencing historic levels of supply chain disruption and unemployment. But nimble manufacturers are pivoting, by reconfiguring their facilities to make much-needed products and hiring locally at a time when many cannot.

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Naylor Association Solutions
Harvard Business Review
America’s relationship with the two most populous countries in the world, China, and Ina, is undergoing a stark, rapid and perhaps permanent transformation. In April, a Pew Center survey found that two-thirds of Americans say they have an “unfavorable” view of China; according to Pew it was “the most negative rating for the country since the Center began asking the question in 2005.” But if China is falling in attractiveness, what is filling its place?

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Production Engineering Solutions
The global aerospace industry has been heavily affected by the aviation crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The latest figures from ADS, the UK trade organization for the aerospace, defence, security and space sectors, reveal 370 aircraft order cancellations were recorded in the first four months of the year. 

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Smart manufacturing should be implemented in four stages: automation, digitization, network-based connectivity and fully smart, according to LiJunqi, chairman of Foxconn Industrial Internet (FII).

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Cincinnati Gearing Systems Inc.
Supply Chain Drive
The pandemic has highlighted how disruptions at suppliers and supply chain partners can cause production holdups and shortages for the purchasing business. Many U.S. companies were unable to obtain parts from suppliers when factories in China shut down earlier in 2020. In fact, 64% of respondents in this survey said their company had been affected by the shutdown of a nonessential business.

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3D Printing Industry
ExOne, the global leader in industrial binder jetting AM technology, has launched its new #MakeMetalGreen social media campaign drawing attention to the sustainability of its metal binder jet 3D printers. The campaign is also intended to educate manufacturers on the benefits of using metal binder jetting over alternative manufacturing technologies, additive or otherwise.

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3D Printing Industry
U.S.-based 3D Systems has officially announced two new versions of its Geomagic Design X and Geomagic Wrap 3D scan processing software packages. The amped-up iterations feature a number of “first-to-market capabilities” and are designed to allow engineers to streamline workflows and deliver high-quality, high-precision products from 3D scans in a timely manner.

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Viking Forge Corp.
Piselli Enterprises, Inc.
Emerging Europe
A new battery production facility close to the Slovak capital Bratislava could see European electric vehicle manufacturers able to reduce their dependence on imports from Asia.

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The extremely ambitions electric car plans of the Chinese Evergrande Group are becoming more concrete: In Huzhou in Zhejiang Province, local media reported that the ground-breaking ceremony for a production facility of Evergrande for electric drive systems has now taken place.

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Today’s Motor Vehicles
Additive Manufacturing Technologies Ltd (AMT) and Leering Hengelo have partnered together to bring two new depowdering systems called PostProDP and PostProDP Pro to the market. Currently, up to 60% of the manufacturing costs of a 3D printed part are attributed to the highly manual steps of post-processing the part after it has been printed. Current de-powdering methods are costly and time-consuming.

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Forest City Gear Company
Aviation Week
If you like the cadre of big aerospace and defense companies now, you are going to love them later. Among the major trends the novel coronavirus is expected to catalyze within aerospace and defense (A&D) manufacturing is that the big will get bigger by gobbling up others or taking back more work.

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Foreign Policy
Rising tensions with China and the race to repatriate supply chains in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic have given fresh impetus to U.S. efforts to launch a renaissance in rare earths, the critical minerals at the heart of high technology, clean energy and  high-end U.S. defense platforms.

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Nonpartisan A.B. Stoddard will cover the latest on the campaign trail. Frequently meeting with sources and politicians, Stoddard has her finger on the pulse of Washington, D.C., as she offers detailed and smart political and electoral analyses. Stoddard will cover the latest on the campaign trail, the most up-to-date happenings in Congress and the White House, ongoing budget battles and the electoral prospects for the two parties. Sign up today.

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American Gear Manufacturers Association
1001 N. Fairfax Street, 5th Floor, Alexandria, VA, 22314-1587