AGMA Gear Industry News

American Gear Manufacturers Association

McInnes Rolled Rings

The Institute for Supply Management said its manufacturing index climbed to 43.1% last month from an 11-year low of 41.5% in April, suggesting the worst of the economic damage from the pandemic might be over. 

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IHS Markit will provide the latest industry information for AGMA members. We have done this webinar for several years but this one has special significance due to the world circumstances. We are taking unprecedented steps and are providing this webinar free for AGMA members. Additionally, all members that attend the live event will receive the complete Q2 Gear Market Report.

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The U.N. disarmament chief says the COVID-19 pandemic is moving the world toward increased technological innovation and online collaboration, but cybercrime is also on the rise, with a 600% increase in malicious emails during the current crisis.

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Star SU LLC.
Gleason Corporation
Kapp Technologies
CNN Business
Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors will make fewer models, share production facilities and focus on the existing geographic and technological strengths of each carmaker as they try to slash costs and ride out the coronavirus pandemic.

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Defense News
Lockheed Martin will throttle back the pace of F-35 production on May 23, leaving it anywhere from 18 to 24 jets short of the 141 scheduled for delivery this year.

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Despite the signing of a “phase one” trade agreement with China, the United States continues to levy Section 301 tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of imports from China, while China continues its own retaliatory tariffs. This webinar will discuss the prospects for the resolution of the U.S.-China trade dispute in 2020, the likely scope and timing of a “phase two” deal, and what you need to do to prepare your own business to thrive despite the shifting landscape of U.S.-China trade relations.

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Cincinnati Gearing Systems Inc.
Center for Automotive Research
As the coronavirus crisis continues to disrupt the global economy, North American vehicle sales have dropped sharply and production has come to a nearly complete stop. Given the complexity of automotive manufacturing, the tremendous capital required to restart production and the industry’s deep global supply chains, resuming vehicle production in North America will be a complex undertaking that is likely to take place in stages. CAR researchers are tracking automaker announcements for the restart of production at the companies’ North American plants.

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Boeing Co. said Wednesday it was eliminating more than 12,000 U.S. jobs, including involuntary layoffs of 6,770 U.S. workers as the largest American plane maker restructures in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Boeing also disclosed it plans “several thousand remaining layoffs” in the next few months but did not say where those would take place.

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New Atlas
That little quadcopter of yours may be fine for shooting cool videos, but when it comes to industrial applications, a beefier drone is often required. That’s where the Acecore Noa comes in, as it can lift up 20 kg (44lbs).

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Viking Forge Corp.
Piselli Enterprises, Inc.
New Atlas
Northrop Grumman has completed testing of the U.S. Navy’s new very lightweight torpedo (VLWT). The first industry-built prototype is based on a previous version developed by the Pennsylvania State University Applied Research Laboratory (PSU-ARL) that was released to manufacturers in 2016 as part of the Navy’s Compact Rapid Attack Weapon program

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Big oil lost a pair of court battles Tuesday that could lead to trials in lawsuits by California cities and counties seeking damages for the impact of climate change. The 9th U.S. Court of Appeals rejected arguments by energy companies and ruled state courts are the proper forum for lawsuits alleging producers promote petroleum as environmentally responsible when they knew it was contributing to drought, wildfires, and sea level rise associated with global warming.

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Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is cutting hundreds of jobs in Washington state and shuttering its U.S. operations for the troubled SpaceJet project.

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Forest City Gear Company
This kind of wear on engine components is common because of friction, and it happens in all machinery with moving parts. Lubricants that reduce friction can only delay and minimize this inevitable damage. The idea of reversing that wear by fixing a worn part was the dream of Washington State University PhD candidate Pavlo "Pasha" Rudenko, who decided to research using smart nanoparticles to replace eroded material.

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Manufacturing Business Technology
Policymakers are considering several measures designed to get essential companies to move their supply chains to the U.S.

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Tesla has reduced the pricing of its electric cars across its entire lineup in the middle of the night — with thousands of dollars price cuts on some models.

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Industry 4.0 is well underway and already having a big impact on manufacturing throughout the world. Technologies such as IIoT, big data and analytics, digital twin/thread, and the smart connected factory and supply chain are all elements of Industry 4.0 that are becoming ubiquitous in almost every manufacturing company.

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New Atlas
Although it’s certainly possible to 3D-print metal objects, such items can’t always be formed down to the sub-millimeter precision required for certain applications. A new technique, however, allows them to be infinitesimally tweaked after being printed.

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New Atlas
Batteries that use a sodium-ion chemistry rather than the commonplace lithium-ion could offer a number of advantages, owing to the cheap and abundant nature of the element. Scientists at Washington State University have come up with a design billed as a potential game changer in this area—a sodium-ion battery offering a comparable energy capacity and cycling ability to some lithium-ion batteries already on the market.

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Existing software, as well as new cloud-based options, can support both social distancing and operational efficiency improvements.

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American Gear Manufacturers Association
1001 N. Fairfax Street, 5th Floor, Alexandria, VA, 22314-1587