Webinars, Podcasts & Blogs from Around the Web
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Venable LLP webinar: Donor Advised Funds – What's the Fuss?
September 20, 2018, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) constitute the fastest-growing and, currently, the most-discussed vehicle for charitable giving. With additional regulation anticipated, DAFs present both flexibility and uncertainty in how they may be used and operated to achieve donor goals. This program will explore the current status, uses, concerns, and limitations of donor advised funds, along with anticipated legislation affecting DAFs.
September 20, 2018, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) constitute the fastest-growing and, currently, the most-discussed vehicle for charitable giving. With additional regulation anticipated, DAFs present both flexibility and uncertainty in how they may be used and operated to achieve donor goals. This program will explore the current status, uses, concerns, and limitations of donor advised funds, along with anticipated legislation affecting DAFs.
Venable has the largest concentration of attorneys in the country providing counseling and advocacy for charities, trade and professional associations, foundations, think tanks, private schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, and other nonprofits. View their video library here. To listen to recordings (and view the synced presentations) of any of our prior nonprofit legal webinars, please click here.
How to Capture Feedback That Can Actually Improve Member Value - 1 CAE Hour
September 20, 2018, 1:00 PM (EDT)
There's the old way of surveying. And then there's a completely different way to manage feedback. This webinar will walk you through the best way to capture valuable feedback on a regular basis in a way that will allow you to drive greater member value than ever before.
Blogs and Podcasts Around the Web
Lodging Leaders is a top ranked business podcast for hospitality professionals. Each week, Hospitality veteran Jon Albano chats with top performing hoteliers, leading industry suppliers, best selling authors, world-class speakers and inspiring entrepreneurial leaders who share valuable insights and actionable advice. Lodging Leaders is available for free download on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and TuneIn.
Listen to this recent episode: Connecting Travel Startup Founders, Investors and Corporations with John Matson
Listen to this recent episode: Connecting Travel Startup Founders, Investors and Corporations with John Matson
Come One, Come All! The Ultimate Template for Committee Recruitment
Trying to bring some new lifeblood into your committees? While your members may have the time and energy available to dedicate to new committees, they might not take the plunge without a little push. So what better way than simply asking? Take a look at our easy-to-use template so that you can urge your members to take their involvement in your organization to the next level!
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Trying to bring some new lifeblood into your committees? While your members may have the time and energy available to dedicate to new committees, they might not take the plunge without a little push. So what better way than simply asking? Take a look at our easy-to-use template so that you can urge your members to take their involvement in your organization to the next level!
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Read this and so much more on MemberClicks blog!
Listen now to The Association Adviser Podcast, delivering best practices, news and leadership strategies for association professionals. Available on iTunes and Soundcloud.
This site features a fantastic library of blog posts aimed at "taking chief executive officer leadership to the next level." Additional articles, podcasts and blogs are available.
The Beacon Podcast, courtesy of our friends at Lighthouse Counsel, has numerous archived podcasts related to nonprofit management.
Leading Learning is the podcast for leaders and aspiring leaders in the business of continuing education, professional development and lifelong learning. You may subscribe to their podcast or view a list of those already published here.