GSAE Luncheon Featuring Aaron Wolowiec, MSA, CAE, CMP, CTA
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The Meetings Report: Five Game-changing Tactics Redefining Education Strategy & Success
In December 2012, Event Garde released The Meetings Report, in collaboration with the Michigan Society of Association Executives (MSAE). This 16-page research report represents the first-ever Michigan association meetings industry survey and key recommendations examining the characteristics of senior education/professional development staff, characteristics of association meetings, professional speaker hiring practices, industry speaker preparation and compensation, and meeting evaluation practices. While respondents primarily represented statewide trade associations (meaning the resultant benchmarking data is largely Michigan-specific), the five key recommendations precipitating from this 65-question survey and follow-on analysis are not only instructive and actionable, but remarkably universal. In fact, when applied to any association’s annual education strategy, these simple, but effective tactics can substantively redefine how success is measured. Join learning strategist Aaron Wolowiec as he reveals each of these game-changing recommendations guaranteed to transform your organization’s programs and events into dynamic (and profitable) professional development experiences your members will value.
Register today!
GSAE Member - $20 Early Bird; $35 after Feb. 15
Guest - $35 Early Bird; $50 after Feb. 15
10:30 - 11:30 am - New Member Orientation (open to all new and prospective members)
11:00 am - 12:00 pm - Participation Fair: learn more about GSAE Committees and Shared Interest Groups and get connected today!
11:30 - 12:00 - Networking Reception
12:00 - 1:30 pm - Luncheon featuring Aaron Wolowiec
1:45 - 3:30 pm - Workshop - From Theory to Practice: Applying Game-changing Tactics to Your Association’s Education Strategy (member price is $75, please register here.)
Workshop - From Theory to Practice: Applying Game-changing Tactics to Your Association’s Education Strategy
Simply scan the environment and its clear the professional development landscape is changing. We are more technologically advanced and we move at a faster pace. Similarly, member expectations and industry best practices are increasingly more sophisticated. Therefore, Michigan native Aaron Wolowiec developed and launched a comprehensive survey examining the state’s association meetings industry to more clearly and precisely understand the effect of these trends. In addition to valuable benchmarking data, five key recommendations (introduced during the luncheon keynote) resulted from this study. And when applied to an association’s annual education strategy, these game-changing tactics can substantially redefine how success is measured. In this highly interactive, 90-minute follow-on session, evaluate your organization’s current education strategies and develop actionable next steps to operationalize this report's key recommendations. Focus on ways your association can elevate the quality and sophistication of its events, build the reputation of its meetings department and improve the association’s bottom line.
Thank you to our host property: Georgia World Congress Center
Interested in sponsoring this luncheon? Contact GSAE!
As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this luncheon may be applied for 1 credit toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements. You earn an additional 1.5 hours if you attend the workshop following the luncheon, for a total of 2.5 CAE hours.