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June 2013  

GSAE Members Out and About

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Gabriel Eckert, CAE and Cynthia Mills, FASAE, CAE, CMC, CPC, CCRC will be presenting at the Association Executives of North Carolina's Annual Meeting in Asheville, NC, June 9-10.  Gabriel will be speaking about his book "From Insight to Action: 6 New Ways to Think, Lead and Achieve" and Cynthia will be presenting "From CEO to...What’s Next? Planning For the Next Phase of Your Journey Before...You Retire, You’re Fired, or You Lose Your Spark!"  Get all the details on their sessions here.

On June 21, 2013, Cullen L. Hackler of BalancePoint will be speaking at the Custom Coaters Association International annual meeting at The Resort at the Mountain in Mt. Hood, Oregon.  His presentation is titled, "Attitude: It’s Up to You."  Read his full session description here.

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