Certified Association Executive Designation & YOU
Did you know GSAE will offer over 25 hours of CAE programming this year? Including up to 11 hours at the Annual Meeting, May 29-31, in fabulous Augusta, Ga.?
Did you know we track your hours earned with GSAE on your member profile?
Did you know we will offer a CAE study group worth up to 12 hours at Nardone Consulting starting in June?
Most importantly, did you know our professional development offerings link to the CAE Domains and we are a CAE Approved Provider? Fancy.
CAE renewal rates have increased for 2013. Exam application fees will remain the same.
New CAE renewal application
New CAE exam application
For more information about the CAE credential or Approved Provider program, please visit www.whatiscae.org.
P.S. You knew there would be some language from ASAE and the Commission ... Here goes it: GSAE programs are not endorsed, accredited, or affiliated with ASAE or the CAE program. Applicants may use any program that meets eligibility requirements in the specific time frame towards the exam application or renewal. There are no specific individual courses required as part of the applications – selection of eligible education is up to the applicant based on his/her needs.