GSAE Committee & SIG Participation Fair
Learn more about GSAE Committees and Shared Interest Groups (SIG) and get connected at the February 20 Luncheon at Georgia World Congress Center! The Participation Fair is your opportunity to meet with the new 2013 leaders, ask any questions you may have, and join any committees and/or SIGs that interest you!
We understand your time is valuable, and we strive to make service convenient and rewarding. From welcoming new members to helping experienced ones prepare for the CAE exam, planning the education programming to making recommendations to the Board of Directors, GSAE committee members truly do the work of the organization.
GSAE's Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) offer one of the best resources for association executives and professionals. These self-directed groups of GSAE members focus on a particular area and delve into various topics within that area. In addition to learning from the "experts" in a particular area of interest, GSAE's SIGs offer members a place to discuss with peers issues of personal relevance. Networking with fellow SIG members offers executives another perspective on how to handle various issues. A secondary benefit of SIG involvement is Certified Association Executive credit (normally 1 hour per meeting).
In order to maintain relevancy, we've updated two of our SIGs to better fit your needs:
Emerging Professionals - Formerly the Young Professionals, this SIG is designed for GSAE members who are new to the association profession and are interested in connecting with peers and leaders to grow professionally. Join the discussion and learn about upcoming events by becoming a Facebook fan.
Atlanta-area Users Group - Formerly the Affiniscape 360 Users Group, this SIG is for association professionals using and will meet quarterly for peer-to-peer training on the merger and a variety of modules. The first meeting we schedule this year will most likely cover the transition to new software and some of the major differences between the two products.