- Lisa Miller, CMP got married on April 5th. Her
new name tag, for a while at least, will be Lisa M. (Miller) Pacella, CMP. You may congratulate Lisa in person
at the GSAE Annual Meeting.
- Damian Kavanagh, Vice President, Accreditation & Membership,
SAIS, has been named the Outstanding Student in the Educational Leadership Ed.
S Program at Kennesaw State University. The ceremony for the Bagwell College of
Education University Scholars was held May 4. Damian and his selected advisor
were recognized for their achievements.
- Tradeshow Logic, an event solutions firm that helps associations and
show organizers elevate the success of their events, has hired industry veteran Chris Price as chief strategy
officer. In this role, Chris will lead TL's team of event strategists in developing
and implementing new ways to grow shows and energize events.