ASAE Submits Comments on DOL Overtime Rule


ASAE submitted comments to the Department of Labor Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Obama administration’s pending regulations to raise the salary threshold at which eligible workers qualify for overtime pay. ASAE’s comments can be found here. ASAE strongly encourages any association that may be impacted to review these comments for use as a model or focus on a specific area of concern to your organization. Comments can be submitted electronically here on or before Sept. 4, 2015.

ASAE has heard from association leaders around the country who are concerned that some of their exempt employees will now be eligible for overtime under the new salary threshold or will have to be switched to hourly pay. Many association employees currently qualify as exempt from overtime eligibility because their annual salary is greater than $23,660 and because their primary duties fall under the executive, administrative and professional (EAP) exemption included in the original Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. While the rule won’t likely be finalized for months, the change is forcing companies to consider keeping closer tabs on hours worked by overtime-eligible employees, including how to handle work done out-of-office, such as responding to emails in the evening or working at a conference over a weekend.

Again, ASAE strongly urges you to review the rules and background information at the Power of A website here and submit comments to the DOL if you believe they will impact your organization. If you have any questions please contact the Public Policy Department at