Webinars, Podcasts & Blogs from Around the Web



CAE-Accredited Webinars from HighRoad U
For many organizations, digital marketing is a new undertaking. Associations are looking for how to best staff their organizations, craft campaigns and measure programs in the digital age. HighRoad U was created to help all associations evolve fully into digital (and help corporate marketers new to the association world understand what's different). 

The HighRoad U library stores all on-demand webinars and hosts live webinars on the first Thursday of every month at 2 p.m. EDT. Look for new live webinars coming in late January.
January 17 at 3 pm- Free Webinar: Top 5 Trends that are Disrupting Associations
2018 will be about disruptive shifts that can rock your association and will only accelerate the changes your organization will see in demographics, technology and behavior that will impact member retention and recruitment, events, sponsorship and member services. This Webinar from AssociationTV will help you understand how to protect yourself from these negative shifts and how to use them to your advantage.
Nonprofit Financial Accounting and Reporting Webinars from AICPA
January 17, 1 p.m.: New Revenue Recognition Standard's Impact on NFPs
January 22, 2:30 p.m.: Financial Reporting for Not-for-Profit Entities 
January 24, 1 p.m.: Implementing the Financial Statement Presentation Standard: Mastering the Most Difficult Challenges

Blogs and Podcasts Around the Web
Building brand credibility takes time, and while it may start by establishing a foundation though your logo, colors, fonts and other design elements, it certainly doesn’t end there. In order to be credible, your association’s brand must be personified and felt through everything you do: the services you offer, communications with members, community and industry involvement, your website, your content ... everything!

Read this and so much more on MemberClicks blog!
Time to Update and Fine-Tune Your CEO Leadership Resolutions
It describes a powerful board-CEO relationship building tool: negotiating "CEO-centric" leadership targets involving the commitment of significant CEO time to particular high-priority executive targets. In addition, Extraordinary CEO has a great library of blog posts aimed at "taking chief executive officer  leadership to the next level." Additional articles,  podcasts and blogs are available on Doug Eadie’s website. 
When you’re next poking around extraordinaryceo.com, click on our new "Table of Contents" tab. We’ve organized all of the content posted since the blog’s founding by major subject areas to make it easy for you to access articles or podcasts you’re especially interested in. And we’ve also made it easy to obtain permission to re-post content at other sites.  
Venable LLP has several topic-based blogs, including advertising law, environmental and natural resources law, a government grants resource library, political law briefing, post grant perspectives and labor & employment law. They even have a YouTube channel.
The Beacon Podcast, courtesy of our friends at Lighthouse Counsel, has numerous archived podcasts related to nonprofit management.
Leading Learning is the podcast for leaders and aspiring leaders in the business of continuing education, professional development, and lifelong learning. You may subscribe to their podcast or view a list of those already published here
Healthy by Association Facebook group
  • A post explaining the community is available here.
  • A direct link to the FB group is available here