American Associations Day, March 28-29 in Washington, D.C.


Plan to join GSAE in Washington, D.C., March 28-29, 2019 to participate in American Associations Day, the only legislative fly-in where association professionals can connect with Congressional offices and share stories on important association issues. This year our issues will be the value of association meetings to the economy and society along with association tax issues.

The event is open to any association executive, staff member, or leadership volunteer that is passionate about association issues and wants to make a difference, as well as meet and network with fellow advocates from across the country. Registration is free, and out-of-town attendees are eligible to receive a scholarship of up to $300 to reimburse travel costs if they visit their members of Congress. The education session on Thursday, March 28 is worth 3.5 CAE credit hours. Please note that this year the Hill visits will take place on Friday, March 29. Congress will be in session.

We need Georgia delegates to cover our legislative visits effectively; contact Wendy for more details. Register here.