Latest Additions to GSAEtv - Preparing for Re-Entry, Accessibility Best Practices, Live Event Round Table

Our SIG leaders are creating relevant and timely programming to help you be better at your job. Recordings of our latest virtual programs are available on GSAEtv and include:

Preparing for Re-Entry: Tips for Returning to ‘Normal’ Life & Work, sponsored by the Pajama Brigade SIG - Life and Leadership Coach, Erin Meadows, IOM, CPC, ELI-MP walks you through important tips to prepare your organization and yourself for return to life and work after COVID-19.

Accessibility Best Practices for Web, Event, and Communications, sponsored by Tech Ninjas, Meetings, and Communications SIGs - Sam Evans, CAE, MBA discusses accessibility best practices for the web, events, electronic documents, and communications.

The recent HopSkip webinar "Live Event Success Round Table Discussion" featuring GSAE folks - Michelle Gortemoller, Hyatt Regency Savannah, Jennifer Thompson, Visit Savannah, and Wendy - is available to access. The blog discusses follow up questions and the video stream is available for viewing as well.