Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the below events are subject to change. We appreciate your flexibility as we all navigate this new environment.
Luncheons in February, April, July, September, and November are $39 for all GSAE members. If any are moved to a virtual Zoom program, it will be $19 for GSAE members.
• Workshops will be priced at $30 per CAE credit hour.
• The 2021 GSAE Annual Meeting is at The Read House in Chattanooga, TN, June 2-4.
◊ Registration fee for the first association executive attendee - $399.
◊ Registration fee for corporate supplier exhibitor and sponsor packages range from $659-$2,909.
◊ Additional attendees from the same organization - $299 each.
• Room rates at The Read House - $145 run of house (before taxes).
Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/gsa-nwl2/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=637007&issueID=67684 to view the full article online.