Members' Edge

AGC Recognizes Outstanding Safety Professionals and Hears from Military Hero Rep. Dan Crenshaw

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AGC Houston celebrated safety professional dedicated to creating a safe work environment at the Midyear Safety meeting on June 14, 2019 at the Junior League of Houston. Close to 300 members attended the meeting, which recognized the Safety Excellence Award recipients and featured guest speakers U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw and Tony Militello, Director of Occupational Safety and Health for the Dept. of the Navy.  

Safety excellence Awards recognize companies and individuals who demonstrate leadership in safety management and for the development and implementation of superior safety practices.

Peterson Beckner Industries won in the Small Specialty Contractor Category – under 200,000 man hours.
Big City Access won in the Large Specialty Contractor Category – over 200,000 man hours.
Tony Stergio,  Andrews Myers, PC, received the Affiliate/Associate Award, which  is designed to recognize non-contractor members who are engaged in and dedicate their resources to the promotion of keeping workers safe.
Robert Brown, Safety Director for Camarata Masonry Systems, Inc. received the Ray Lambright Excellence in Safety Award.

Congratulations to all the award winners! Check out the event photos here.


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