2023 Autodesk and AGC of America Workforce Survey

AGC of America is seeking to understand the current state of the construction labor market and also gauge how supply chain problems and materials price spikes are impacting your firms and the industry. We also want to understand how these and other recent economic developments are impacting your operations. Your answers will better equip us to advocate for measures to help the industry’s labor needs in both the short and long term.

That is why we are asking you to take a few minutes to complete the following workforce survey that we and our partners at Autodesk have prepared: 2023 Autodesk and AGC of America Workforce Survey (surveymonkey.com)

Your responses will be kept confidential; only aggregated results will be reported. The results will help us better outline the current situation to elected and appointed officials, the media, educators and your peers within the business community. The more people understand the scope — and consequences — of current construction labor market and supply chain conditions, the more likely they are to enact measures to support the industry. We hope you, as well, will find the results useful in comparing your situation and expectations to those of your peers.

Thank you in advance for your time and support. And please do not hesitate to contact Brian Turmail, our vice president for public affairs and strategic initiatives, with any questions or comments about the survey. He can be reached at (703) 459-0238 or brian.turmail@agc.org.

Click HERE to take the survey!