AGC Houston Safety Excellence Awards Applications Are Now Open
The AGC Houston Safety Excellence Awards recognize construction companies demonstrating leadership in safety management. Award recipients are recognized by their peers for promoting safe work practices, superior safety cultures, and overall safe performance.

Who Can Be Nominated:
Any AGC Houston Specialty Contractor (Subcontractor) member may apply or be nominated by a General Contractor. All submittal instructions must be followed.

Awards To Be Presented:
- Large Specialty Contractor
- Small Specialty Contractor
- Associate/Affiliate Member Company

The deadline to apply is August 19, 2024.

Awards will be presented at our Mid-Year Safety Meeting on August 22, 2024. 

Click here to view application.


 Ray Lambright Excellence In Safety Award

The AGC Houston Safety Committee established this award in 1993 to honor and recognize Ray Lambright, Olshan Companies, whose career spanned more than 37 years and was instrumental in instituting many of the safety training programs and policies we follow today.

Who Can Be Nominated:
AGC Houston Members may nominate an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and a personal commitment in directing their company’s safety and health program in advancing the safety of all construction workers. Nominations may be submitted by the individuals’ companies, their peers or associates. This award is intended to recognize company safety directors, but other individuals who have provided significant leadership in improving construction safety can be considered by the awards committee.

Click here to nominate someone today. 


Join us for the OSHA 10-Hour in Construction Course on August 13th! 

The OSHA 10-Hour class is a two-day in person course is presented by AGC Houston's authorized instructor(s) and designed to train employers and their employees in the essentials of occupational safety and health in construction. Course is in English and students must attend both days of training, in full, to receive their OSHA 10 hour card.

Click here to register today!


Join the AIA/AGC Joint Committee for a Lunch and Learn on August 27th

Join the AIA/AGC Joint Committee on August 27th for a Lunch and Learn where we will review a real-life case study to learn strategies for handling disputes in order to prevent litigation. Moderated by David Peden with Porter Hedges, former chair of the State Bar of Texas Construction Law Section, the panel will identify mistakes made on the case study project in order to analyze how to prevent issues on future projects. Hear from Max Montegut of Brookstone Construction and Terry Smith of Smith & Company Architects, who will provide contractor and architect perspectives on how critical mistakes could have been prevented, as well as on how conflicts can be resolved quickly before litigation occurs.

Click here to register today!



Win a Free Hole Sponsor at Our CLC Golf Tournament
by Completing a Brief Survey

The company that has the most people complete the survey below
will win a free hole sponsor at this sold out event! 

As a valued member of AGC Houston, your input is crucial in helping us tailor our education and professional development offerings to better serve your needs. We kindly request your participation in our brief survey to gather insights on your past experiences and preferences regarding AGC Houston education courses. 

 Click here to launch survey!