July 29, 2014
In This Issue |
Education/ Training
AGC News
Member News
Here's Looking At You
News You Can Use
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Events |
2220 Bevis St., Houston, Texas 77008
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
$20 includes cocktails and light hors d'oeuvres
Complimentary for AGC Houston General Contractor members!
Don't miss our members-only networking mixer! This popular event draws a large crowd of industry professionals and is a great chance to meet other commercial construction professionals.
Register by August 6, 2014 to reserve your spot.
Thanks to our sponsor, Compliance Safety Consulting.
Hermann Park Golf Course
August 8, 2014 8:00 a.m. - Noon
Don't miss the hottest event of the year! Come play as a team and sign up to be one of this year's sponsors! Contact Charlene Anthony for details.
Sponsors Needed - Beverage Sponsor & In-Kind Raffle Prize Donors
Thanks to this year's sponsors:
Player gifts: Andrews Myers, PC
Reception sponsor: Cokinos, Bosien & Young
Beverage Sponsor: Brookstone, LP
Dead-Ass Last Sponsor: Vicon Equipment, Inc.
Omni Austin Hotel Downtown
Austin, Texas
Registration for the 2014 AGC Building Contractors Conference is open! Taking place in Austin, this year's conference focuses on bringing together high-level leaders in the building construction industry to share, learn and discuss the issues essential to them and their business. Guest speakers will include Ken Simonson, AGC of America Chief Economist; Ryan Abbott, Sundt Construction, and more. Don't miss the chance to network with others in the industry and discuss relevant topics essential to the construction industry.
InterContinental Dallas Hotel Dallas, Texas
Following the April BIMForum, this conference will focus on optimizing construction using aspects of BIM. Speakers from around the nation will be presenting on how they are using BIM proactively and effectively to have a measurable impact on the construction process. Topics will include BIM Execution Planning, Collocation Management, What Does BIM Mean For Insurance?, and more. Register today!
Sheraton Downtown Phoenix
Phoenix, Arizona
AGC's Construction HR and Training Professionals Conference provides two days of education and networking for HR, training, and workforce development professionals in the construction industry. Educational sessions cover the most cutting-edge techniques in training and development currently in use and envisioned for the future in the industry.
San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk
San Antonio, Texas
Registration for the CLC Leadership Development Conference, formerly known as Fall Working Weekend, is now open. This year’s event is co-hosted with the San Antonio Chapter of AGC and will take place October 23-25, 2014, at the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk. Highlights of the program include keynote speaker George "The Iceman" Gervin, former San Antonio Spurs player; Chuck Greco, Linbeck Group, LLC, and Senior Vice President of AGC of America; and a roundtable session that will allow attendees to learn best practices from CLC groups from across the country.
The ACE Mentor Program of Houston invites you to join in The Third Annual Build It Forward Event. This event brings together students involved in the ACE Mentor Program and industry-wide professionals. For more information and to learn how you can get involved, please click here.
Education/Training |
Don't miss this opportunity to take your career to the next level! This class develops professional estimating skills, including: an understanding of the different types of estimates; the importance of documentation and formatting; and the link between design, estimating and project costs. Registration deadline is August 2.
Applications accepted through August 15, 2014. Developing young leaders will be a key piece of the future success and growth of the construction industry in Houston. Leadership AGC is seeking those individuals interested in developing and enhancing their skills as leaders as well as increasing their overall knowledge of our industry's place in the community.
Safety |
This trainer course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the OSHA 10- or 30-hour General Industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10-and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous.
This course covers the various types of common machinery, machine safeguards, and related OSHA regulations and procedures. Guidance is provided on the hazards associated with various types of machinery and the determination of proper machine safeguards.
By popular demand, AGC Houston is offering the OSHA 30-hour construction safety course for Spanish-speaking construction supervisors or for workers with some safety responsibility. This course provides a greater depth and variety of training on an expanded list of
topics associated with workplace hazards than the 10-hour course.
New! This course covers the evaluation and reduction of noise hazards in the
construction industry. Topics include OSHA Construction Noise Standards,
properties of sound, noise-induced hearing loss, selection and use of hearing protection, among other topics.
This free training class focuses on preventing frequently cited construction hazards. The Focus Four Hazards in Construction are conducted as four-hour awareness training focusing on the greatest dangers of working on a construction site.
This course covers the OSHA Standards, policies and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous.
The management system course provides the participant the opportunity to design the core elements of a management system for environmental, risk, safety and health programs. Note: Participants must attend all three sessions.
Este seminario es GRATIS y se centra en la prevencin de riesgos que con mas frecuencia se citan en la construccin.
This course covers the OSHA Excavation Standards and safety and health aspects of excavation and trenching with topics including practical soil mechanics and its relationship to the stability of shored and unshored slopes and walls of excavations, introduction of various types of shoring (wood timbers and hydraulic), soil classification, and use of protective systems.
AGC News |
On Tuesday, July 22, 2014, the president signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act into law. The
bill easily passed both the House and Senate in recent weeks. The legislation
will reform the workforce development system, giving states greater flexibility
and strengthening employer engagement.
Construction firms added jobs in 38 states and the District of Columbia over the past 12 months, but they reduced headcount in 27 states between May and June, according to an analysis today of Labor Department data by AGC of America. Association officials said the employment gains help, but that construction employment remains below peak.
A recent report by TRIP, a national transportation research group, recently found that the rural road fatality rate is three times higher than all other roads, while 15 percent of rural roads are in poor shape and 22 percent of rural bridges are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. The chief executive officer of the Associated General Contractors of America, Stephen E. Sandherr, stated " ...the U.S. Department of Transportation is warning states it will begin cutting back federal funding for highway projects in August as the balance in the federal Highway Trust Fund approaches dangerously low levels."
The Construction State Law Matrix is the most comprehensive, definitive and concise publication available, covering all aspects of state laws that may affect your public or private construction project. This essential resource, for use before completing any construction contract in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, ensures compliance and enforceability under state law.
Members receive exclusive weekly offers - Must sign up by August 15
Our members are eligible for special weekly offers from Starbucks, iTunes, FTD and more—so spread the word! When you register for the FedEx Advantage discount program, you will be automatically enrolled in FedEx Fridays. You’ll get exclusive offers emailed to you every Friday for this limited-time promotion. And, you’ll continue to receive discounts of up to 29% on select services all year long, ever after the promotion ends. Enroll now or call 1-888-708-4100 by Aug. 15, 2014. Be sure to use passcode AGCFDX.
Whether it's a new smart phone or calling plan, AGC Houston members can take advantage from Verizon Wireless and National Purchasing Partnership Construction.
- NPP our members receive 22% off corporate calling plans,
- Employees receive up to an 18% discount (15% plus an additional 3% discount
if enrolled in online billing) on their plans.
If you have any questions or would like to have a Verizon business sales
representative reach out to you, please call NPP at 800.810.3909 or email customerservice@mynpp.com.
Member News |
Here's Looking At You |
AGC Houston members gathered at the Junior League of Houston on Tuesday, July 22, to hear keynote speaker Matt Eversmann give a heroic recount of combat in Mogadishu, Somalia, and to recognize commercial contractor and subcontractor companies that won safety awards and took part in the Safety Stand Down event during June 2-6, 2014.
News You Can Use |
Currently 38 percent of the City of Houston waste stream comes from construction and demolition waste. There are many resources in Houston that reuse or recycle construction waste.
The Materials Research Collaborative (MRC) at the University of Houston has developed a printed catalog and online resource for the Houston professional community, local businesses, and non-profit groups to help reuse or recycle building materials.
This work was made possible by a grant from the Architecture Center Houston Foundation and support from Balfour Beatty Construction.
A Houston submarket that once was predominately industrial is attracting new Class A office construction thanks to its lower costs and accessible location. The West Belt office submarket, located on Beltway 8 north of I-10 and extending just east of Highway 249, is a cost-effective alternative for companies in west Houston that need larger spaces and higher parking ratios. According to Jon Lee, Senior Vice President of CBRE's Houston office, "There are many new projects being contemplated that require preleasing to move forward. We anticipate this to continue to be a hot area in the foreseeable future."
Are you in the K-12 construction industry of Houston? Houston Independent School District (HISD) will be introducing an approved $1.89 billion bond, seven-year construction program to market consisting of 40 schools, three athletic facilities and numerous renovations. The objective of the Labor Compliance Program (LCP) is to build the highest quality schools safely, on time, within budget and with the best construction workers. HISD’s Labor Compliance Program (LCP) helps ensure a level playing field and protects workers by reviewing certified payrolls, monitoring job sites, interviewing workers, providing certified payroll training and sponsoring community job fairs.
The Houston region is expected to have 296,000 job openings in the "middle-skills" occupations within the next three years, and a new effort is being launched to fill them. In conjunction with the Greater Houston Partnership and JPMorgan & Co., the UpSkill Houston program will create seven sector-specific councils to improve coordination among the stakeholders. The seven key sectors for the Houston region are advanced manufacturing, construction, health care, oil and gas, petrochemical, ports and maritime, and utilities. AGC Houston is playing a key leadership role with GHP with the appointment of AGC Chairman Steve Mechler and Laura Bellows who were asked to co-chair the council.
According to the Texas Comptroller's Office, the Houston area boasts the lowest school construction costs in Texas at just $135 a square foot, nearly $20 lower than the state average. The Houston region also includes three of the most prolific builders in the state—the Katy, Cypress Fairbanks and Fort Bend school districts, which have added a combined 6.7 million square feet of facilities since 2007. Efforts are being made to ensure that Houston's school construction costs continue to remain one of the lowest in the state.
On July 16, 2014, the House approved a $10.8 billion Highway Trust Fund patch, which provides sufficient revenue to maintain current funding levels through May 2015. The bill also extends MAP-21 authorization for the highway and transit programs for those eight months. Revenue needed to support the patch came from a general fund transfer, which was offset by a variety of tax code adjustments including extending customs fees on importers, taking money from the leaking underground storage tank fund (LUST) and changing rules on private pension contributions. Additional revenue for the Highway Trust Fund is necessary in order to avoid a slowdown in reimbursements to states for ongoing highway construction projects in the next few weeks.