October 27, 2015
In This Issue |
Education/ Training
New Members
Membership Benefits
AGC News
Member News
Here's Looking At You
News You Can Use
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Events |
Friday, October 30, 2015
Last Day of Early Voting
Tuesday, November 3,
Election Day
With early voting in full force, are you ready to cast your vote? There are seven proposed state constitutional amendments in addition to our local ones. AGC Houston encourages everyone to vote in this election.
Find out where the top five mayoral candidates stand on issues such as the building permit process, minority participation requirements and the budget deficit here.
Thursday, November 5,
2015 4:30 - 6 p.m. at Crisp in The Heights
Register today for our last Member Mixer of the year! All attendees receive two tickets for a chance to win an iPad Mini, and all general contractors present will be entered into an additional drawing for a fishing trip, courtesy of R & M Service Company, Inc. Tickets include reception food and beverages.
$20 - Early Bird Pricing Ends Friday, October 30!
$30 - At the door (cash preferred)
Thanks to our Member Mixer sponsor, Reliant Safety Solutions, LLC
Free for general contractors!
R & M Service Company, Inc. will be giving away an offshore fishing trip, which includes bait, tackle, ice and deck hand. All general contractors present at the Member Mixer will be entered into an additional drawing for this trip.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 6 - 8 p.m. at Brenner's On The Bayou - Blue Bar
Join in the merriment at the AGC/AIA Joint Meeting - a tradition for more than 50 years!
$35 for food, libations and merriment. Early bird discount ends November 4;$45 after November 4.
Thanks to our generous sponsors:
Open To All Human Resources, Labor And Employment Specialists, Attorneys
Thursday, November 12, 2015
7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.
The Employment Practices Committee specializes in issues facing human resource professionals, labor and employment attorneys and anyone dealing with Department of Labor issues. Open to all AGC Houston members interested in Department Of Labor compliance issues and HR best practices. Contact Charlene Anthony for details.
Education/Training |
In 2016, AGC Houston will be awarding Patrick J. Kiley Excellence In Leadership scholarships to deserving students. Do you know of anyone who could use the money for higher education?
Scholarship application deadline is February 1, 2016.
To date, the scholarship has generated more than $393,000 and helped to fund students' dreams of earning a degree in a construction-related discipline. Students who qualify are evaluated on their personal and professional commitment to advance their education, career and the commercial construction industry.To apply and for more information, see link below.
Learn how to comply with contractual obligations concerning insurance and to assure compliance of other involved parties.
Early bird discount pricing ends November 3, 2015.
Learn techniques for managing risk and how the scope and nature of risk management varies based on project contracting methods.
Early bird pricing ends November 11, 2015.
Safety |
The AGC Safety Committee is open to all those interested in promoting safety and education in the construction industry. This month's meeting will be held on Friday, October 30 at 7:15 a.m. at the AGC Houston office. Interested in attending or becoming a committee member? Contact Director of Safety Services, Kim Mason, for more information.
Due to the Thanksgiving holidays, there will not be a Safety Committee meeting in November.
This national award competition
recognize companies that have developed and implemented excellent safety and loss prevention programs achieved through management commitment, employee involvement, and program innovation. All AGC Houston contractor members that excel at safety performance are encouraged to submit applications for each division and occupational category.
There has been an important change this year: The two-year sit-out
requirement for the past
year's first place winners has been removed.
This course will provide an overview of risk management from the safety, health and environmental program perspective. Specific topics will include
introduction to risk management utilizing ISO STD 31000; key terminology; describing and applying the risk management process; suggested strategies for improving environmental, safety, and health programs using risk management principles.
This course is designed to provide
an entry-level construction
worker with general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site.
Early bird pricing ends November 6, 2015.
Meet the requirements of OSHA Paragraph 1926.50, which calls for a person on the
jobsite to have a valid certificate in first aid training in the absence of infirmary, clinic or physician that is reasonably accessible in terms of time and distance to the worksite.
This course is designed for entry-level construction workers. The course provides information about worker rights, employer responsibilities, how to file a complaint, and provides basic awareness training on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of workplace hazards.
This course provides training and information to workers who enter and perform work in a confined space. It also covers OSHA regulations, permits, atmospheric condition hazards, physical hazards, and monitoring.
New Members |
Kimberly Derry
6335 Gulfton St. #100 Houston, Texas 77081-1169
(713) 777-5337
Sharon Wendell
2918 Elysian Street Houston, Texas 77009-7038
(713) 222-6212
Ruben Zambrano
(713) 681-5300
3514 Pinemont Dr. Houston, Texas 77018-1332
Membership Benefits |
AGC of America recently hosted an educational webinar titled "How to Gain Control of Your Benefits Budget and Offer Employees More of What They Want." For those interested in learning more about how private insurance exchanges work, how they can help companies better control benefits costs, and how AGC's new private exchange program is helping member firms build a better employee benefits package, click on the link below to access the recording.
NPP Membership is free. All you have to do is register! Featuring Verizon, Expedia, Sherwin Williams, Fleet Management, Office Supplies and more. Call 800-810-3909.
An effective safety program can help keep your employees on the job, reduce your premium and earn your company dividends. CompGroup AGC was created in 1993 by various Texas members of the Associated General Contractors of America to provide a better option for workers’ compensation coverage.
Contact your insurance agent and tell them you want a CompGroup AGC quote or contact program administrator Roberts & Crow at 800-406-9614 — ask for Julie Schatz.
AGC News |
On October 8, President Obama signed a bipartisan bill into law—the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act or PACE Act. The PACE Act amends the definition of "small employer" for purposes of the non-tax portions of the Affordable Care ACT (ACA). Under the law, states have the option to continue defining "small employer" as an employer with fewer than 50 employees in 2016.
Beginning in early 2016, information reporting provisions under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act require many employers to file annual information returns with the Internal Revenue Service and provide annual statements to employees containing health plan coverage information.
The returns must be furnished to employees by January 31,
2016 and filed with the IRS by February 28,
2016 if filed on paper or March 31,
2016 if filed electronically. AGC Houston has all the information employers need regarding Forms 1094 B & C and Forms 1095 B & C. Sign in to the Member's Only section of the AGC Houston website, and see "Health Insurance Reporting Requirements" under the Employment Practices Committee Articles tab.
The AGC Houston Employment Practices Committee is meeting November 12 at 7:30 a.m. to discuss this and other relevant issues to promote and guide best practices. Please contact Charlene Anthony for more information.
The number of unemployed workers with construction experience dropped to the lowest total for September since 2000, as hiring continued to slow despite robust demand for construction, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials cautioned that the hiring slowdown most likely reflects a lack of available workers that could lead to project delays unless more students and workers join the construction sector.
"Growth in the construction workforce has been slowing throughout 2015, just at the time that construction spending has accelerated to a multi-year high," said Ken Simonson, the association's Chief Economist. "Contractors would love to hire more workers but there aren’t enough qualified craft workers or supervisors available."
The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has issued a nationwide stay of the new federal regulation redefining "waters of the U.S." (WOTUS) for the purposes of the Clean Water Act. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed and then finalized the new regulation in an effort to clarify the scope of the statute’s requirements.
Construction employment expanded in 35 states and the District of Columbia between September 2014 and September 2015, yet only 23 states added jobs between August and September, according to an analysis released from Labor Department data by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials said the fact as many states lost construction jobs as added them last month was likely due to a combination of labor shortages and uncertainty about a host of federal investment programs.
The NLRB's recent ruling in the Browning-Ferris Industries case relaxes the standard for determining when two companies constitute "joint employers" under the National Labor Relations Act. On November 3, 3 - 4:15 p.m., AGC will host a free webinar, featuring a presentation by attorney Larry Marquess of Littler Mendelson on the implications of the ruling for employers in the construction industry and how such employers can minimize the risk of being deemed a joint employer of workers employed by their subcontractors, staffing firms, and others.
Join your fellow AGC members as the 97th Annual AGC of America Convention heads to the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio, March 9-11, 2016. As AGC's premier event each year, the AGC Annual Convention and Technology & Construction Solutions Expo is the ideal opportunity to see everything AGC can do for you and your business. Join us for more than 15 education breakouts, terrific networking events and industry leading speakers, all in a perfect location for business, culture, family and fun!
Member News |
Here's Looking At You |
AGC Houston members spent a memorable evening on Thursday, October 22, 2015 hearing from construction industry icons Stan Marek, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc.; Charlie Nelson, Gilbane Building Co.; Howard Tellepsen, Tellepsen; and Patrick J. Kiley, Kiley Advisors about their respective careers. Sponsored by the Construction Leadership Council, Kiley led the two-hour discussion, asking the leaders questions about their accomplishments, the evolution of the construction industry, their involvement in AGC and in the community as well as personal anecdotes. Each panelist recounted singular moments, reminiscing about their careers, which has spanned 45 to 50+ years.
News You Can Use |
Harris County plans to accommodate growth, alleviate congestion and fund amenities through four bond proposals in the upcoming Nov. 3 election. The bonds total $848 million, with the largest proposition providing $700 million for road projects. "It won’t be that many years until there’ll be more people living in the unincorporated area of Harris County than in Houston," Precinct 3 Commissioner Steve Radack said. "In the mid-'60s, 77 percent of people who lived in Harris County lived in Houston. Now that number is rapidly approaching 50 percent."
The Greater Houston Partnership announced the release of its Fall Impact Report. Among its highlights, The Partnership successfully advocated for legislation in our three priority areas during the 84th Legislative Session, which will help ensure our region's continued growth and success. Our three priorities included: early education, transportation and economic development incentives.
The Partnership also urges Houstonians to support Proposition 7 for transportation funding.
AGC Houston, in conjunction with ACE Mentor Program, invites all AGC Houston members to take part in and help sponsor the Build It Forward community projects that will be held on November 21, 2015 at Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Leadership AGC Class of 2016 participants will be heading up teams of high school students who are currently interested in pursuing studies in architecture,
construction and engineering.
Each year, ACE Mentor students participate in a community service by building a furniture project, which is then donated to local charities. ACE Mentor needs material and team sponsors to help "Build It Forward."
Engineering News-Record recently reported on rising pay for construction workers.
With construction spending continuing to rise toward pre-recession peaks and worker shortages growing for both open shop and union contractors, compensation of craft trades has seen a significant bump—the largest in nearly three decades for some firms.
"It’s a great time to be a craft person," says Jeff Robinson, President of Personnel Administrative Services (PAS), a Michigan open-shop pay research firm.
The rise in craft compensation coincides with increased construction spending in the U.S., which posted a 13.7% year-over-year gain in August, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. Residential construction put in place in August was up 16.4% year over year, says Ken Simonson, Associated General Contractors of America’s Chief Economist.
On Saturday, November 14, 2015, Uptown Houston will be recognized as an exceptional patron of architecture and urban design at the Rice Design Alliance gala. Since its formation in 1987 as the city’s first management district, Uptown Houston has established the area around the Galleria as a commercial and residential destination and world-class example of decisive urban development, with ongoing projects fostering greater mobility on Post Oak Boulevard and lasting stewardship of Memorial Park.
AGC Houston is proud to sponsor the event as a benefactor and to be have supported the RDA for the past 25 years!