HRMAM Accreditation Program - Upcoming Partner Events *new course added*

At HRMAM, we are committed to building the strategic capability and organizational impact of HR practitioners, and providing value to our members.

To further support the Continued Professional Development needs of our growing population of Certified Human Resources Professionals (CHRPs), and in recognition of the quality of some of the HR professional development programs offered throughout Manitoba, we are proud to introduce the HRMAM Accreditation Program.

For more information about the program, click here.

Upcoming Courses:

New World Leadership    *NEW*
by Change Innovators Inc.
Dates: Module 1: October 1, 2015
           Module 2: October 29, 2015
           Module 3: November 19, 2015
           Module 4: December 10, 2015
           Module 5: January 7, 2015
           Module 6: January 28, 2016
           Module 7: February 11, 2016
           Module 8: March 10, 2016
           Module 9: March 31, 2016
CPD Hours: 29
For more information or to register, click here

Advanced Program in Leadership & Strategy 
by Asper School os Business - Executive Education
Dates: Module 1 - October 7, 8 & 9
           Module 2 - October 28 & 29
           Module 3 - November 19 & 20
           Module 4 - November 25, 26 & 27
CPD Hours: 70
For more information or to register, click here

Click here for more course dates...

Ongoing Courses:

Understanding Episodic Disabilities 
by Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) 
CPD Hours: 15 

Managing Episodic Disabilities: Accommodations Best Practices
by Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) 
CPD Hours: 15 

Recruitment Training Series
by Purple Squirrel Talent Academy 
CPD Hours: 20

Workplace Mental Health Leadership TM certificate program 
by Morneau Shepell 
CPD Hours: 11.5

Coaching Skills Workshop
by Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness (CMOE)
CPD Hours: 14

Applied Strategic Thinking
by Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness (CMOE)
CPD Hours: 10.5

For more information on these courses, click here.