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Source: MDG
Are your holiday social media posts starting to feel as stale as a re-gifted fruitcake? Some 91 percent of companies say they send/post holiday messages. That means consumers’ social feeds and inboxes are completely flooded with themed posts by brands. To break through the clutter, it’s essential to try new approaches.
Source: Freeman
Is it possible that Amazon and Netflix have ruined us forever as consumers? Those helpful "You Might Also Like" suggestions and hyper-targeted email marketing campaigns have led to outrageously fantastic customer experiences. And we’ve come to expect that same level of personalization in every brand we encounter.
Boston Convention Marketing Center
Experient, a Maritz Global Events Company
Teresa Eyet vs. The Mighty Snowpocalypse
Source: CadmiumCD
Find out how AHCA/NCAL Super Planner Teresa Eyet defended her conference against the mighty Snowpocalypse of 2010 with her amazing super planner powers.
Source: TSNN
The 2016 election in the United States lasted a long time and was an emotionally charged experience for many people. The success of Donald Trump was viewed with surprise by people on both sides of the aisle. But the sun came up again and people have returned to work.
Source: Core-apps
A mere eight years ago, Apple officially introduced "there’s an app for that" into our vocabulary with the launch of the App Store. Flash forward to today, and there’s now 2.2 million apps in the Google Play store and 2 million apps available in Apple’s App Store.
Convention Data Services
a2z, Inc.
Source: Forbes
A record number of Americans will hit the road to see friends and family between now and the end of the year. I’m no exception. But like most entrepreneurs, I still need to get things done even when I’m not at my desk.
Source: Trade Show Executive
A federal judge in Texas blocked a controversial presidential order raising the salary threshold for overtime pay on November 22. The Obama administration’s decree would have taken effect December 1 and would have required companies to pay overtime to white collar employees who earn a maximum of $47,476 annually.
How We Increased Our Trade Show Attendance By 25%
Expo Logic
Scott Hersh, the Business Development Director at the Irrigation Association, was looking for ways to increase attendance at their 2016 Irrigation Association Conference. He decided to use an affiliate marketing tool from Expo Logic to grow his event and wound up with over 1,000 additional registrations.
Watch Scott explain how he achieved this growth!
Source: Inc.
You've set yourself a goal. It may be to finish a report, proposal, or blog post. It may be to go to the gym every morning, or stick to healthy eating, or avoid losing your temper. Whatever that goal was, you've screwed up. You've fallen into the old, lazy, counterproductive behavior that you know is undermining your health, success, and happiness. What do you do next?
Source: Social Tables
Attendee engagement – it’s a great buzzword, but what does it really mean? Authentic attendee engagement includes emotional engagement, cognitive engagement and behavioral engagement.
CEIR Event: Insights on Where Events Are Going
Source: CEIR Event
Few would dispute the golden rule of marketing is know your audience. With millennials becoming the largest generation in the North American workforce last year, insightful meeting professionals are emphasizing the destination experience and social impact of their planned activities to boost attendance and contentment at events.
Naylor Association Solutions



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