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Industry News
Source: TSNN
So, you’ve decided to be an exhibitor at a trade show to network with prospective buyers and discover new opportunities. This is the easy part. However, before you spend your time and money building out a booth, make sure you’re choosing the right trade show(s) for your business.
Source: CMO.com
As I reflect on three decades of leading marketing teams across companies like Hershey, Capital One, TD Ameritrade, and General Mills, I’ve come to believe that whether you’re selling credit cards or candy bars, digital services or Hamburger Helper, there’s one universal requirement for success: creating the right culture.
Source: Freeman
Marketers strive to create memorable experiences that engage and excite, but including all the latest digital bells and whistles can pose a challenge when working with a tight budget. The good news is you can still offer digital wows without spending a mint.
Boston Convention Marketing Center
Experient, a Maritz Global Events Company
Reasons This Growing Event Tech Company Won Multiple Awards In 2017
Event technology company CadmiumCD celebrates an award-winning 2017. Industry, community, and employees recently aligned to give this company recognition for their business growth, industry products, and employee satisfaction.
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Source: Forbes
Corporate leaders often talk about creating a ‘culture of innovation’ within their companies. When having these conversations, they often act as if organizational culture is some mythical creature that comes down from the mountain to greet the people.
Source: Event Technologies
"I’m a sponsor or an exhibitor, and I feel like an outcast. Sponsors and exhibitors understand the value they bring to conferences but, increasingly they don’t see the value coming back to them. These industry partners want to feel like real partners, however, many times they feel like a wallet."
Visit Anaheim
Nevada-based ConvExx announced last week that has acquired Mobile Tech Expo from Kevin Halewood, Inc. The 17-year-old trade show is currently held annually in Orlando, Fla. The 2018 Mobile Tech Expo is scheduled January 26-28, at the Caribe Royale.
Source: Exhibit City
The Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau today reported 2016 as its highest convention booking year ever with 713 events using 903,199 hotel room nights secured for future years. Those figures represent an 18.2 percent increase in the number of events and a 5.8 percent increase in room nights secured over 2015.
Guardian Elite Medical Services
Is Your Event Prepared for a Medical Emergency?
It's important that any injured or ill persons receive immediate attention. Emergencies may arise in various forms -  a fall, a heart attack, you name it. One thing is for certain, no one can predict these things. What you can do is be ready for it. Even during a minor emergency, event staff may panic in the heat of the moment, leading to poor decisions.
Find out how being prepared could have a lifesaving impact on your event.
CEIR Event: Insights on Where Events Are Going
Source: CEIR Events
You had to figure it was going to end sooner or later: After 25 consecutive quarters, tradeshow industry performance experienced a decline at the end of 2016, according to the most recent CEIR quarterly report.



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