
International Association of Exhibitions and Events

Industry News
Source: IAEE HQ
Do you wonder if you’re giving your employees feedback that can help them excel at their jobs — and feel more included? Chances are, we could all improve at giving feedback at work.

Visit https://iaeehq.com/2017/03/02/the-art-of-giving-and-receiving-feedback-at-work/ to view the full article online.

Source: Marketing Land
Here are four helpful tips to help you get the most out of your trade show interactions, whether you are a seasoned salesperson or a trade-show newbie.

Visit http://marketingland.com/art-quick-qualification-4-tips-meaningful-trade-show-conversations-207349 to view the full article online.

Source: Forbes
It’s old news that we’re busy and that we wear our busyness as a badge of honor. But a new study found that Americans, in particular, are actually buying it. Specifically, the study concluded that Americans who always say they’re "busy" are actually seen as more important. Unfortunately, it’s all a charade.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/timmaurer/2017/03/11/why-busyness-isnt-good-business/#598f9422a91f to view the full article online.

Boston Convention Marketing Center
Experient, a Maritz Global Events Company
Reasons This Growing Event Tech Company Won Multiple Awards In 2017
Event technology company CadmiumCD celebrates an award-winning 2017. Industry, community, and employees recently aligned to give this company recognition for their business growth, industry products, and employee satisfaction.
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Source: Business.com
It's easy to go to a big event and just hope that there will be a good return-on-investment. Here are 5 things that I do to make sure the event will be valuable, plus how I do something atypical in order to get more eyeballs without all the high fees typically associated with sponsoring events.

Visit https://www.business.com/articles/casey-slaughter-stanton-maximize-roi-trade-shows/ to view the full article online.

Source: Inc.
Successful leaders know that meetings, while important, are also incredibly expensive. The next time you're in a meeting, mentally add up the hourly rates of everyone in the room.

Visit http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/first-90-days-the-most-successful-leaders-never-do-these-things-in-meetings.html to view the full article online.

Visit Anaheim
Source: Exhibitor
etouches, a top global provider of cloud event management software, today announces the acquisition of Loopd, an enterprise SaaS start-up that enhances attendee experience through data-driven technology.

Visit http://www.exhibitoronline.com/news/article.asp?ID=16933 to view the full article online.

Source: TSNN
Trade shows present the perfect opportunity to introduce your brand to new customers and re-engage with existing ones. Once the trade show is over, it’s important to maintain that great momentum by continuing to build on those relationships and building sales.

Visit http://www.tsnn.com/news-blogs/3-ways-increase-sales-after-trade-show-ends to view the full article online.

Source: Hargrove
David Cusack​ recently joined the growing events team at Hargrove as a Senior Sales Executive. David most recently served as a Director of Operations at The White House responsible for the daily operations and finances of the White House and the Executive Office of the President.

Visit http://www.hargroveinc.com/Portals/0/PressRelease_DavidCusack.pdf to view the full article online.

How We Increased Our Trade Show Attendance By 25%
Expo Logic
Scott Hersh, the Business Development Director at the Irrigation Association, was looking for ways to increase attendance at their 2016 Irrigation Association Conference. He decided to use an affiliate marketing tool from Expo Logic to grow his event and wound up with over 1,000 additional registrations.
Watch Scott explain how he achieved this growth!
CEIR Event: Insights on Where Events Are Going
Source: CEIR Event
A telling statistic lies deep within CEIR’s new report, Cost to Attract Attendees. It could in part explain why association-owned shows have recently seen a falloff in attendance, exhibits and income.

Visit https://ceirblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/11/at-last-penny-pinching-catches-up-with-association-organizers/ to view the full article online.