
International Association of Exhibitions and Events

Industry News
SOURCE: Fast Company
Feedback, both good and bad, is a necessity in business. Honest feedback is critical for the health of the employee and the company, but knowing how and exactly what feedback to convey can often be more important.

Visit https://www.fastcompany.com/90231373/ask-yourself-these-questions-before-giving-honest-feedback to view the full article online.

Adapting AI to a variety of uses, marketers are integrating machine learning into the customer experience. The increase in software-as-a-service has led to an explosion of innovative use and re-tooling of the creative process.

Visit https://www.CMO.com/features/articles/2018/9/19/ai-in-marketing-and-advertising-.html#gs.eM3YY1E to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Forbes
Being an effective communicator is about more than just getting employees motivated. It's about boosting morale and productivity and paying attention to the verbal and the non-verbal cues. A good communicator listens more and talks less.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2018/09/24/four-ways-to-improve-your-communication-skills-and-why-it-matters/?ss=leadership#46cd7da52d26 to view the full article online.

Boston Convention Marketing Center
Experient, a Maritz Global Events Company
How ALA Automated Logistics Management for Their Annual Conference
ALA, along with other major organizations like ADA, WVC, MLA, and AAAnthro, have been in the process of Beta Testing the Logistics Module for the past year and a half so that it is ready for use by all meeting organizers in 2019. One organization calculated over 40 hours of labor saved after using the system.
Let’s take a look
Events are about creating memorable experience, but often in the chaos of planning the audience needs, wants and interests can be overlooked. Drill deeper into audience segmentation and look past the usual demographics. Think about your attendee's cultures, life stages and personalities to discover what really makes them tick.

Visit https://www.tsnn.com/blog/how-better-audience-insights-lead-better-events to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Inc.com
No one likes to fail, but failure is part of the success process. Developing skills for dealing with setbacks and learning to "fail forward" are keys to coping with missteps, defeats and loss. Here are a few practices to help you develop resilience in the face of failure.

Visit https://www.inc.com/marcel-schwantes/5-things-mentally-strong-people-do-to-bounce-back-from-just-about-anything.html to view the full article online.

Federal Express
Teamwork Event Specialists
While apps and other aspects of smart phone use are part and parcel of event planning, taking the event mobile means stripping away the physical experience and brainstorming on how to take those digital ideas mobile.

Visit https://insights.ges.com/blog/an-experts-guide-to-planning-a-mobile-first-event to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Harvard Business Review
Even dream jobs have some aspect of grunt work. But when the more important aspects of the job become sidelined by toilsome tasks, managers must help workers find ways to get through the grunt work and back to the more rewarding aspects of their job.

Visit https://hbr.org/2018/09/how-to-help-your-team-manage-grunt-work to view the full article online.

CEIR Event: Insights on Where Events Are Going
SOURCE: ceir.org
Read how CEIR's report How to Grow Attendance is helping MHI Marketing Vice President Carol Miller with her communications and branding for such trade shows as ProMat and MODEX.

Visit https://ceirblog.wordpress.com/2018/09/23/ceir-case-study-an-interview-with-carol-miller/ to view the full article online.