
International Association of Exhibitions and Events

Industry News
SOURCE: SmithBucklin
Association management company SmithBucklin just released its annual publication Circuit, which includes the company's 20 for 2019, a series of articles about key trends, issues, and developments that will impact associations in the coming year.

Visit https://www.smithbucklin.com/circuit2019/ to view the full article online.

Corporate responsibility and customer mindset are the driving forces behind the "green" movement in the events industry, and these measures have proven to be cost-effective and easy to implement. But five commonly held misconceptions regarding sustainability in the industry persist.

Visit https://www.tsnn.com/news/5-myths-about-planning-sustainable-events to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Harvard Business Review
The term negative feedback has such a negative connotation that we've taken to calling it something else – constructive criticism. Getting an honest appraisal of our work, where we're excelling and especially where we may be missing the mark, is vital for leaders whose impact may have veered away from their intentions.

Visit https://hbr.org/2019/02/13-ways-we-justify-rationalize-or-ignore-negative-feedback to view the full article online.

Believing that marketing is at the core of every company's growth strategy, Publicis Sapient CMO Teresa Berreira says that it also requires creating an environment that fosters "intangible skills" such as bravery, experimentation and agility. Barriera discusses finding these characteristics in new hires as a way to create lasting impacts on customer experience.

Visit https://www.cmo.com/interviews/articles/2019/1/23/publicissapient-cmo-look-for-intangible-skills-in-new-hires.html#gs.bHYdl3Ay to view the full article online.

Boston Convention Marketing Center
SOURCE: Associations Now
By 2020, millennials and Gen Zers will make up more than one-half the work force. A new benchmarking study by Personify, a company specializing in member engagement, found that despite skepticism about ROI value, many workers in these groups are choosing associations more often than other professional networks, including LinkedIn.

Visit https://exhibitions.inloop.com/en/article/130659/what-makes-young-members-tick to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Forbes
Business leaders face hundreds of questions daily, most of which begin, "What....?" But all too often those questions only scratch the surface. Diving deeper usually requires a "Why ....? type of inquiry to clarify the issue and open lines of communication.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/robdube/2019/02/18/pausing-for-clarity-mindful-leaders-always-ask-why/#29f553581dac to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Trade Show Executive
Marketplace Events, the largest producer of B2C home shows in North America, will partner with Mike Rowe, host of Discover Channel's long-running Dirty Jobs. Rowe will make personal appearances and appear in event advertising, and Marketplace Events will assist Rowe's charity, the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, in creating scholarships for students pursuing careers in skilled trades.

Visit https://www.tradeshowexecutive.com/archive/industry-news/tv-show-host-partners-marketplace-events/ to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Fast Company
The Inuit have 50 words for snow – their language determines what they referring to. In this context, the term "work-life balance" takes on a host of various meanings. Often, it is the language that determines whether we do or do not have balance.

Visit https://www.fastcompany.com/90308095/why-you-should-stop-trying-to-achieve-work-life-balance to view the full article online.

Core-Apps, LLC
Teamwork Event Specialists
Embracing a minimalist approach to your brand's marketing strategy allows you to focus on a few key components that your brand feel are the most important to convey. A thoughtful use of white space, relief from vibrant patterns and aesthetically pleasing visuals can more easily convey cohesiveness and ownership.

Visit https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/minimal-design to view the full article online.

In his Gettysburg address, Lincoln conveyed in two minutes what Edward Everett (also speaking that day) failed to effect in 2 hours. Communication, at its core, is about conveying ideas. For greater engagement and positive results, trim drafts to their essence, respect your audience's time and be precise with your words.

Visit https://www.inc.com/julian-hayes-ii/abraham-lincolns-gettysburg-address-is-a-masterpiece-in-effective-communication-heres-why.html?cid=hmhero to view the full article online.

Removing friction – the new buzzword for anything that causes your customer to hesitate – is about making the experience smoother for your client. Scan business cards directly to your CMS, provide meeting space to talk when possible, and review your follow-up process to ensure your plan is clear.

Visit https://www.tsnn.com/blog/removing-friction-your-trade-show-booth to view the full article online.

Experient, a Maritz Global Events Company
Create an Experience to Remember
A great event experience must be seamless and unforgettable. Happy participants, exhibitors and sponsors want to come back and bring their friends. Design and deliver exceptional event experiences...
Download The 8 Phases of a Successful Event Today!
CEIR Event: Insights on Where Events Are Going
Getting the audience to the show is only part of the job – getting them to your booth space is where your efforts pay off. Attending the show's promotional events is a perfect opportunity to market your presence with the right audience, start conversations and promote your brand.

Visit https://ceirblog.wordpress.com/2019/02/17/7-reasons-to-host-trade-show-promotional-activities/ to view the full article online.

Hornblower Cruises & Events
Naylor Association Solutions