Participate in the 2012–13 International Academic Partnership Program

Focus Country: India
Application Deadline: June 15, 2012

If your institution is seeking to develop strategic institutional partnerships with higher education institutions in India, please consider participating in the Institute of International Education’s 2012-2013 International Academic Partnership Program (IAPP). Following two years of success, the 2012-2013 IAPP India Program will again engage a group of 10 U.S. higher education institutions over the course of a year in strategic planning activities focused on implementing partnerships with higher education institutions in India. The program also includes participation in a delegation to India. If you are interesting in participating in this program, please contact Clare Banks at

The 2012-2103 IAPP India program is not the only IAPP program that IIE will be coordinating this year. In September 2012, the application cycle for the 2012-2013 IAPP Brazil program will open. In addition, IIE is considering launching special shorter-term IAPP programs in Burma and Libya. For more information, please contact Clare Banks at

About the International Academic Partnership Program—India
The International Academic Partnership Program is a core initiative of IIE's Center for International Partnerships in Higher Education. It seeks to increase the number of international partnerships between higher education institutions in the U.S. and those in other countries. The IAPP program was launched in 2009 with support from the U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE). The 2012-2013 IAPP India Program will select a group of 10 U.S. higher education institutions to participate in this yearlong program, which aims to guide U.S. institutions through a number of training activities focused on implementing strategic partnerships with higher education institutions in India.

Five Core IAPP Services

  1. Strategic planning process, including guidelines for assessing on-campus international partnership capacity and developing practical strategic plans for partnership activities in India.
  2. Expert advice and guidance on developing or expanding a strategic plan for partnerships with India by one of the members of the IAPP India Advisory Board and IIE staff in the U.S. and India.
  3. A study tour to India that will include visits to select higher education institutions, U.S. embassy, EducationUSA Advising Centers, the Fulbright Commission, and other educational exchange organizations. All in-country expenses for one representative from each institution will be covered as part of the program fees. Participants are responsible for covering their international airfare. The study tour to India will likely take place in February or March 2012.
  4. A series of training webinars, focused on topics such as implementing strategic partnerships, faculty engagement, developing a consolidated India strategy, and higher education in India.
  5. A suite of information resources on the higher education systems in India, and IIE publications and policy research reports.

Length of Program
The IAPP India Program will begin on August 1, 2012 and end July 1, 2013.

The IAPP Program is open to all accredited U.S. colleges and universities. IIE especially invites institutions that are relatively new to international activities or may have less installed capacity in international education. Participation is limited to 10 institutions.

Program Fee
IIE member institutions: $11,500 per institution
Non-members: $13,000 per institution

Application Deadline
The deadline for applications is June 15, 2012. Please complete the application form available online at

For more information, or to download the application, please go to: If you have questions, please contact Clare Banks at or +1 (212) 984-5481.