The Forum on Education Abroad’s half-day Workshops

January 16, 2013 
Carlisle, PA, Dickinson College

The forum will be conducting two half-day workshops on January 16 for education abroad professionals. 

QUIP Peer Review Training
(Morning session)

This workshop is a prerequisite for becoming a Peer Reviewer in the Forum’s Quality Improvement Program (QUIP) and focuses on the concept of quality improvement for education abroad, the implementation of the Forum's Standards of Good Practice, and the role and responsibilities of the QUIP Peer Reviewer. For more information, visit

Preparation for the Learning Environment
(Afternoon session)

After a very brief overview of the Standards, participants will discuss various models used to prepare students, faculty and staff for both the sojourn abroad and the return home. Participants are expected to leave this workshop with plans for improved orientation and re-entry models. For more information, visit: