Apply for Qatar Foundation’s 2013 WISE Awards

Submission deadline: March 31, 2013

The Qatar Foundation’s WISE Awards identify, showcase and  promote each year six innovative educational projects that are having a transformative impact on societies and education.  Since 2009, WISE has received 1,600 applications from 128 countries resulting in 122 Finalists and 24 winning projects. These projects have been recognized from a wide variety of sectors and locations, and they represent a growing resource of expertise and sound educational practice.

Project holders from any region, educational sector or level are encouraged to submit applications which demonstrate the quality and impact of their activities in accordance with the criteria. 
Whether you are involved in a project that provides access to quality education, creates new opportunities for lifelong learning or develops innovative educational technologies, WISE invites you to apply for the 2013 WISE Awards. 

For more information, visit: