IIE Representation at the 2013 NAFSA Conference in St. Louis
The NAFSA conference in St. Louis is approaching, and once again the Institute of International Education (IIE) will have a booth (#705), host various information sessions, and present in sessions and workshops on study abroad, international student mobility, U.S. higher education, and other major topics.
To learn more about IIE or ask questions about your membership or our publications and websites, please come visit us at Booth #705. We look forward to meeting you in person. Here are some highlights that might be of particular interest:
- Meet with IIE authors and get a signed copy of a recent IIE publication
- Pick up the new issue of the IIENetworker magazine on Higher Education and International Development
- Check out our new IIENetwork Handbook for International Educators
- Receive a special 15 percent NAFSA conference discount on IIE publications
- Browse through brochures about IIE's many educational exchange programs
- Meet with IIE staff and learn about how you can participate in the many programs we administer
- Meet with representatives from Naylor, IIE's media partner, to learn about advertising opportunities to help highlight your institution and programs