Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa Fellowship Program

Application Deadline: December 1, 2014 | Application and Program Details

The Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa program responds to an emerging dilemma within African higher education caused by the extraordinary emphasis on increasing undergraduate enrollment without proportionate investment in faculty development. This situation erodes the ability of universities to produce the next generation of researchers, leaders, and practitioners addressing pressing topics. The program offers fellowships to nurture the intellectual development of early-career faculty in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. Support for researchers in Kenya was added to the program this year.

All applicants must be citizens of and reside in a sub-Saharan African country while holding a current faculty position at an accredited college or university in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, or Uganda. Applicants for any of the funding opportunities offered through this program must have a Master's Degree and be working toward completion of the Doctoral Degree within an African university. The program seeks to promote diversity and encourages women to apply.