Registration Open for the Third Annual Diversity Abroad Conference

March 22–24, 2015, in New Orleans, LA | Early Registration Deadline: January 31, 2015

Registration is open for the Third Annual Diversity Abroad Conference. This year’s conference—Moving Beyond Barriers: Transforming International Education Through Inclusive Excellence—will include opportunities for professionals at all career levels to engage in thought-provoking exchanges about how to attract, retain, and serve underrepresented students in international opportunities.

The conference will explore the value of diversity in international education, new and creative ways to interact with students from a variety of different backgrounds, and innovative strategies to collaborate with other professionals in the field.

New this year: the conference will include a high impact, day-long Leadership Workshop geared toward Senior campus administrators (e.g., Chief International Officer, Chief Diversity Officer) interested in develop a comprehensive leadership strategy on diversity and inclusion efforts in international education.

For more information please contact Lily Lopez-McGee at or 510.982.0635 ext. 702.