Sneak Peak at Plenary Speakers for IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad

Early Registration Deadline: May 1, 2015 | Registration and Conference Details 

IIE is pleased to announce several exciting speakers, who will participate in plenary sessions and debates at the inaugural IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad. We will announce many more speakers in the next few weeks and months.  

Register Now: Early Registration Deadline is May 1

On October 1-2, 2015, the inaugural IIE Summit will bring together Generation Study Abroad commitment partners in Washington, DC, to highlight their progress and create positive new solutions. The early registration deadline is May 1, 2015.  
The IIE Summit will feature high‐level plenary debates, solution‐oriented sessions, think tanks and networking opportunities to mobilize commitments and inspire new actions. The IIE Summit represents a unique opportunity for leaders from the academic community, government and private sector to engage in a meaningful debate and will discuss how to integrate study abroad into every American's college experience.

The IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad will bring together creative thinkers from multiple perspectives to challenge study abroad to adapt ideas from the private sector in order to innovate and grow.  Plenary themes include:
Register today to join this dynamic event!