International Education in the News

Russia Moves to Limit Scientific Exchange With the West
The Russian Parliament is proposing to ban certain foreign scientists and organizations operating in Russia who may pose a threat to the country’s national security. The bans may apply to programs of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, the Soros Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Woodrow Wilson Center, among others. — University World News

3 Ways a Thaw in U.S.-Iran Relations Could Affect American Colleges
The possibility of a warmer relationship between the United States and Iran is likely to benefit efforts to develop links in higher education, though a variety of challenges would persist. — The Chronicle of Higher Education

77% of Parents Would Consider Study Abroad for Children, Says HSBC Report
The worldwide survey shows that parents believe study abroad will help their children stand out in competitive job markets. — The PIE News

Learning a Foreign Language a ‘Must’ in Europe, Not So in America
In most European countries, students begin studying their first foreign language as a compulsory school subject between the ages of 6 and 9, whereas many U.S. states individual school districts to set language requirements. — Pew Research Center