IIENetworker Magazine—A Proven Tool to Help With Your Organizational Branding

Spring 2016 Advertising Deadline: January 15, 2016 | Advertising Opportunities | Contact

For nearly 15 years, IIE’s flagship bi-annual magazine, IIENetworker, has addressed the pressing issues across the international education field. It targets the 7,000 international education professionals that represent IIE's 1,400 member institutions with both a print and digital edition. Over the years, IIENetworker advertisers from all aspects of international education and study abroad have reached important influencers, while better aligning their organizations with IIE. Contact Jeff Bunkin to learn more about advertising opportunities in 2016 at jbunkin@naylor.com or at +1.352.333.3342. To participate, act quickly, as our Spring issue closes in mid-January.

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