At its semiannual face-to-face meeting on September 12 in San Antonio, the ILTA Operations Council deliberated on several ongoing issues. A member is engaged in a serious disagreement with OSHA over the application of Process Safety Management at one of its facilities and described its exchanges with the agency to those present. The council discussed a path forward to develop an operations management system framework for terminal operators. ILTA will be looking for member company representatives to participate in completing the draft document. Please contact Peter Lidiak at if you are interested.
The council also conducted a clean diesel workshop during the meeting in which there were presentations on and discussion of the need for clean diesel for the new high compression diesel engines being introduced into the vehicle fleet. Sessions included an overview of API RP 1640 Product Quality in Light Product Storage and Handling Operations, the results of an informal survey of particle size and counts at different points in the supply chain and discussion of water, particle and metal control at terminals.
The Terminal Operating Practices Symposium Steering Committee will be seeking presentation proposals for next fall’s TOPS in January 2020.
The next face-to-face meeting of the council will be on the afternoon of April 1, 2020 in New Orleans.