ILTA hosted its second information session on December 10 on the soon-to-be implemented TWIC reader rule. Retired U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Roy Nash and Chemical Security Group’s Steve Roberts provided an update on their ongoing discussion with USCG officials over the looming regulatory changes to the TWIC program, which are to be fully enacted in 2023. The pair highlighted that USCG recognizes the considerable confusion around the rule that resulted from conflicting interpretations. The Coast Guard will publish a clarification letter in the coming months, the pair said. An upcoming RAND report on the financial implications of the TWIC-reader rule should provide additional insights on the rule’s consequences. According to Nash and Roberts, RAND will likely begin to meet with bulk liquid storage companies soon to gain the industry’s perspective. Moreover, the pair both agreed that USCG remains willing to work with industry to make the transition to the new rules as cost-friendly and seamless as possible.