ILTA’s TWIC reader rule awareness outreach efforts resulted in the U.S. Coast Guard Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy issuing a clarification memo on February 12 on redesignation of secure areas. The memo highlights that owners or operators of regulated facilities can designate their secure area(s) that are directly connected to maritime transportation or are at risk of being involved in a transportation security incident per 33 CFR 105.115. The document also notes that facility owners or operators are permitted to amend their Facility Security Plans, which may lead to redesignation of secure area(s) upon approval by the Captain of the Port (COTP) as allowed by 33 CFR 105.415.
Importantly, the “action” paragraph of the memo states that COTPs shall continue processing redesignation requests using Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 03-07 – “Guidance for the Implementation of Transportation Worker identification Credential (TWIC) in the Maritime Sector,” and TWIC/MTSA Policy Advisory Council 01-08 – “Redefining Secure Areas and Acceptable Access Control.”
ILTA greatly appreciates the Coast Guard’s memo, which will help members assess, plan and mitigate the impact of TWIC reader rule implementation.