Attention 50th Conference Attendees!
The official conference registration is OPEN! Register here.
For a downloadable pdf of the 2024 Conference Registration form, click here.
The full conference early bird registration is $855 for members and $975 for non-members.
Standard registration beginning on November 1st is $895 for members and $1050 for non-members.
The EP Social will be held Wednesday January 24th at the Service Brewery.
The International Reception is Thursday January 25th.
The new day and time for the Clay shoot is Thursday January 25th from 1pm to 5pm.
New this year is our fishing excursion on Wednesday January 24th from 11:30am until 5pm (lunch included).
There will be limited spacing, and the price of the excursion is printed below:
ISEE Members: $250/person
Non-Members: $400/person
Attention Emeritus, Past Presidents, Spouses, and Students!
The full conference student membership rate for early bird registration starts August 14 through October 31st and the price is $115.
Standard registration begins on November 1st.
**Rates do not include Blasters Training**
Because its ISEE’s 50th Annual Conference…. We will be having “$50 for the 50th” rates for the following memberships below.
Past President rate is $50.
The spouse rate is $50.
Emeritus rate is $50. - Constitution Article 3, Section 7. Emeritus Membership may be granted, upon request by the member or recommendation by a member of the Board of Directors, to members who have reached 65 years of age and have retired from active business or have become incapacitated, provided that they shall have been members in good standing for at least twenty (20) years prior to their application for Emeritus Membership. An Emeritus Member shall not be subject to dues or assessments and shall enjoy all the privileges of membership.
Please see the conference website here or email with any questions.