Explosives Industry News

International Society of Explosives Engineers

Do you have a knack for photography and some great shots of a recent job you’d like to share? Take your camera on your next job site and upload your best pictures. Qualifying entries will be displayed through ISEE’s social media channels and on-screen at the annual conference in Denver.


Voting will be open to all. The Best of Show winner will receive a free registration to the 47th annual conference. Winners will be announced at the annual conference, on social media, and in the Journal of Explosives Engineering.


Visit the photo contest page today to see all the categories and enter your pictures.

Visit https://www.isee.org/photo-contest to view the full article online.

Alfred Nobel has been named the 2020 Society of Explosives Engineers (SEE) Education Foundation Explosives Industry Hall of Fame inductee for his contributions to improving commercial explosives safety and controllability.


The Swedish businessman was an expert in many areas and is best known for his inventions. He was deeply committed to developing safer explosives after an explosives accident killed his younger brother.


Nobel invented dynamite, gelignite and ballistite. Each product was a safety improvement over existing explosives. In all, Nobel was awarded 355 patents throughout his lifetime including one for a detonator and another for a safer blasting cap he developed.


Nobel is just the third Explosives Industry Hall of Fame inductee. David E. Siskind, Ph.D., who has more than 25 years of blasting and vibration research, and John D. Loizeaux, a demolition expert who pioneered the use of the strategic and precise placement of explosives to cause buildings to fall where they stood, are the previous inductees.

Visit https://www.isee.org/news/468-alfred-nobel-named-as-the-2020-explosives-industry-hall-of-fame-inductee to view the full article online.

NOMIS Seismographs LLC
Yazoo Mills, Inc.
Industry News

Registration for the 46th Annual Conference on Explosives & Blasting Technique is now open. Join nearly 1,600 explosives industry professionals Jan. 26-29, 2020, at the Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colo., for the world's largest conference in the explosives industry.


This year's conference will feature technical sessions, workshops, poster presentations and more than 130 exhibitors showcasing the latest products and technology in the explosives industry.


To receive the special ISEE member discount rate, ISEE members will need their member ID number and membership type on-hand when registering. Attendees who aren't ISEE members, will select the non-member option during registration.


If you are unsure of your member ID or membership type, please contact Stefanie Bourbon, ISEE membership coordinator, at (440) 349-4400 or via email at bourbon@isee.org.

Visit https://www.isee.org/news/conference-news/129-2020-conference/465-46th-annual-conference-registration-now-open to view the full article online.

All professionals possess some measure of expertise. Not only is expertise useful, it’s usually necessary to do the job and generally viewed as a good thing.


But what if there’s an issue with expertise? Is expertise always a good thing?


During the 46th Annual Conference on Explosives & Blasting Technique keynote presentation, Forensic Structural Engineer Sean Brady, Ph.D., will discuss how expertise has limitations when applied outside normal areas of application, and how these limitations typically won’t be evident to the individual applying the expertise.


He will also talk about how it’s even likely that an individual will continue to apply their expertise in situations where evidence suggests the application of the expertise is inappropriate.

Visit https://www.isee.org/news/conference-news/129-2020-conference/469-sean-brady-ph-d-named-the-46th-annual-conference-keynote-presenter to view the full article online.

The ISEE Board of Directors Election is now underway. Eligible voters, all members in good standing with the exception of student members, can cast votes until Nov. 30, 2019.


Eligible voters with an email on file should have received an email with step-by-step instructions for casting a vote online. Members who don’t have an email address on file will soon be receiving print ballots in the mail.


Newly elected officers and directors will take office at the 46th Annual Conference on Explosives & Blasting Technique to be held Jan. 26-29, 2020, in Denver, Colo.


Your opinion matters. Take part in this year’s election. For more information, contact us at isee@isee.org.

Visit https://www.isee.org/ to view the full article online.

Thank you to all ISEE members who participated in last year's election. In addition to the traditional ISEE Board of Directors ballot, there were also 10 proposed amendments to the constitution that were up for voting. Click the link below to download the PDF results of the election.

Visit http://www.isee.org/index.php?option=com_docman&view=document&alias=622-election-results&category_slug=public&Itemid=809 to view the full article online.

International Explosives Equipment
American Elements
ISEE Member Benefit Spotlight
Did you know the ISEE has an online career center that offers discounts to members looking to post jobs? Whether you’re a student looking for an internship or a business looking for a seasoned professional in the explosives industry, the ISEE job board, located at the ISEE website, is a great way to get noticed. And one of the best parts is that it’s free for job seekers. Upload your resume today to get the attention of job posters or browse the job board for the latest openings. Visit the career center now.

Visit https://isee-jobs.careerwebsite.com/ to view the full article online.

The International Society of Explosives Engineers Online Buyers' Guide is a tool used to search for products and services within your industry. There are several search tools located within the Buyers' Guide to help you find what you are looking for. Learn how to use the Buyers' Guide.

Visit https://isee.officialbuyersguide.net/ to view the full article online.

International Society of Explosives Engineers
26500 Renaissance Parkway
Cleveland, Ohio 44128