Explosives Industry News

International Society of Explosives Engineers

Yazoo Mills, Inc.
Motion Metrics International
Industry News
There's still time to register for the 43rd Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique. Join nearly 1,600 blasters, manufacturers, government officials and industry leaders at the world’s largest conference on explosives engineering, sponsored by the International Society of Explosives Engineers.

The 2017 program includes a dynamic education program featuring technical sessions, poster session and workshops combined with exhibits showcasing the latest technology. In addition to the full conference, the Blasters Weekend Package, commencing on Saturday, Jan. 28, will include the popular Blasters Training Seminar, the Blasters R Us Video Roundup, a regulatory panel discussion and more.

Educational programs, materials and merchandise will be sold at the ISEE bookstore, featuring the 18th Edition Blasters’ Handbook, ISEE merchandise and the 43rd Annual Conference Proceedings.

Visit https://www.isee.org/conferences/2017-conference to view the full article online.

Get ready for the 43rd Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique by downloading the official mobile app to help you maximize your time at the event. Download the ISEE 2017 mobile app today to view the complete schedule and add your favorite exhibitors and sessions to the personalized planner for convenient on-the-go access before and during the conference.

Visit https://www.isee.org/news/conference-news/2017-conference/279-the-isee-2017-conference-mobile-app-is-now-available to view the full article online.

The Regulatory Panel Discussion, held from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29, is one of the best attended events at the conference. This year’s panel includes David Ford, FMCSA; Don Jonson, EFEE; Roger Montali, MSHA; Bill O’Brien, ATF; and Debra Satkowiak, IME.

Visit https://www.isee.org/conferences/2017-conference to view the full article online.

This new event will run from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29. It will include food, refreshments and games. Here’s your opportunity to meet new colleagues, share ideas and build a stronger network while having fun.

Visit https://www.isee.org/conferences/2017-conference to view the full article online.

The Ohio Drilling and Blasting Conference kicks off from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 29, 2017, with a welcome reception and exhibits. On Thursday, learn about various topics such as underground blasting, waveforms, public relations, demolition blasting, current compliance issues and more.

Although retraining credit hours have been accepted in the past by a number of states, due to recent changes in regulations, you need to be careful and check with your state regulators to be sure you receive the proper retraining credit hours from this conference.

Visit https://www.isee.org/news/276-2017-ohio-drilling-blasting-conference-registration-now-open to view the full article online.

IMESAFR will be presented over three days with eight hours of mixed lecture and discussion each day, for a total of 24 classroom hours. Daily class hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with an hour for lunch and breaks mid-morning and mid-afternoon. A competency test will be given at the end of the course.

The next IMESAFR Training will be before the ISEE annual conference from Jan. 26-28, 2017, in Orlando, Fla. For more information contact Dean Nichols at (256) 327-3373 or via email at dnichols@apt-research.com.

Visit http://www.apt-research.com/training/index.html to view the full article online.

Have you recently worked on a project that focuses on fragmentation by blasting? This is your chance to get your research published.

Submit your paper, including tables, graphics and images to the editors-in-chief at the link below. Be sure to state the name of the paper and the purpose of publication in the journal when submitting. The publisher or the editors-in-chief can supply relevant instructions for preparing your manuscript if you have any questions. They can be reached via email at blastfragsubscriptions@isee.org.

Edited and reviewed by expert researchers, industry professionals and academics, Blasting and Fragmentation presents contemporary analysis of engineering practices as related to explosives application to rock. It is published twice a year.

Visit https://www.isee.org/publications/blasting-and-fragmentation-journal to view the full article online.

Furukawa Rock Drill
Normet International Ltd
ISEE Member Benefit Spotlight
As the leading professional association for the explosives industry, we want to help you advance your knowledge and career through education, regulatory training and professional networking. Whether you’re a student, an industry professional, or representing an organization, being part of the ISEE community will help you to achieve your goals.

Please renew your ISEE membership for 2017 to continue your access to these exclusive tools including:

1. Networking opportunities with 4,000 colleagues and industry leaders
2. Access to the Explosives Reference Database Online, a $1,200 value
3. Special annual conference pricing
4. A complimentary subscription to the Journal of Explosives Engineering
5. Exclusive pricing at the ISEE online bookstore
6. A complimentary listing in the ISEE Membership Directory and Desktop Reference

Visit https://www.isee.org/membership-renewal to view the full article online.

Did you know the ISEE has an online career center that offers discounts to members looking to post jobs? Whether you’re a student looking for an internship or a business looking for a seasoned professional in the explosives industry, the ISEE job board, located at the ISEE website, is a great way to get noticed.

And one of the best parts is that it’s free for job seekers. Upload your resume today to get the attention of job posters or browse the job board for the latest openings. Visit the career center now.

Visit http://isee-jobs.careerwebsite.com/ to view the full article online.

NOMIS Seismographs LLC
International Explosives Equipment
MTi Group Pty Ltd
IMESAFR Training
Jan. 26-28, 2017
Orlando, Fla.

Email Dean Nichols at dnichols@apt-research.com for more information.

Visit http://www.apt-research.com/training/index.html to view the full article online.

Jan. 28, 2017
Lincoln, Calif.

Contact Mike Chiurato at mchiurato@alphaexplosives.com or Danniell Edwards (916) 645-3377 for more information.

Visit http://www.iseegoldenwest.org/ to view the full article online.

Jan. 29-Feb. 1, 2017
Orlando, Fla.

Visit https://www.isee.org/ to view the full article online.

Feb. 16, 2017
Springfield, Mo.

Visit http://heartlandblast.org/ to view the full article online.

Feb. 18-22, 2017
Denver, Colo.

Visit http://www.smenet.org to view the full article online.

International Society of Explosives Engineers
26500 Renaissance Parkway
Cleveland, Ohio 44128