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  From left to right: Kevin Laughlin, Elizabeth Bledsoe, Bill Flynn, Col. Donald Mammano, Bret Eddinger and Jair Aguirre

“With my total of two and a half years in the EW world, you can see that this is an area ripe for revolution. Not an evolutionary increase in technology – definitely revolution. And as a material developer, that kind of scares me because I have to deal with both.
So, I have to understand technically what the the next leap might be and where they want to go, and it's impossible to predict. And so my concern is how do we keep up? How do we stay abreast of those requirements and create the foundations of a dynamic ability to adapt to those emerging requirements? And that's what I'm trying to look at right now with what we're doing with the office, some drastic change is to if not get ahead of the revolution, at least keep up with them. And right now, I feel like we're just slowly starting to fall behind at a gradual pace.” –Elizabeth Bledsoe, Army Product Manager, Electronic Warfare Integration, responding to a question about the challenges facing EWPMT and other EMBM systems tools and capabilities during a Q&A after the "Joint EMSO Through Electromagnetic Battle Management" panel discussion Tuesday afternoon. 


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