Thursday Breakout Session — Joint Coalition EMSO Integration

In Thursday’s Joint Coalition EMSO Integration breakout session led by moderator Dr. Timothy Grayson, Special Assistant to the SecAF for Mission Centered Analysis and Operational Imperatives, the keyword was interoperability. EMSO should be a fully integrated and trained feature of the Joint Force and technical advances need to be made between allied partners. As panelist Ali Serdar Kilinc, Electronic Warfare Program Director, Aselsan, Turkey said in his opening remarks, “we need to change before we have to change.” Other panelists included Dr. Jimmy “Rev” Jones, USAF, PhD., NH-IV, SAF/AQLV, PEM SITCHES Warfighter Application Team Lead; and Bob "Otis" Winkler, Vice President, Corporate Development & National Security Programs, Kratos Defense. After a brief period where each panelist introduced themselves and their background, Dr. Grayson asked them questions. Here are some highlights from that Q&A.

From the perspective of a NATO ally, tell us about some of the specific coalition partner barriers

Ali: I don’t think as allies we have been successful on information sharing. … I don’t know how we will solve that, but I hope

Do you see opportunities in getting interoperability value with sharing parts of data?

Rev: There’s a reason, and it’s not a good or a bad reason, why it’s an all-or-nothing concept – sharing all of the data or none of the data. Virtually none of the classification guidance that exists out there gets down to the granular level of which piece of data can I share.