Virtual Roundtables: Timely Topics, No Computer or Preregistration Required

Our volunteer leaders in the NACAS Professional Development Committee and others are hosting a series of Virtual Roundtables on current topics of interest in auxiliary services.  NACAS members and non-members alike are invited to join the phone call to listen to the experiences, challenges and solutions of an institution; to ask questions; and to contribute their own unique stories.  

There is no cost for participating, just an hour of your time; and with no online component, it couldn't be easier to join us.  For members, the recorded conversation will be accessible in the NACAS Main Online Community until the next roundtable occurs!

Most recently, Leon Williams, Director of the Multicultural Center at Elon College discussed Hate Crimes on Campus: Auxiliary Response as Part of a Collective Effort.  He'll be following up at the 2011 Annual Conference on Diversity Intelligence, the concept, and the tools to make it a reality on your campus. 

Our next Virtual Roundtable will be:

Cloud Computing and Auxiliaries: Basics, Possibilities, and Best Practices
Friday, December 9, 2011
11 am - 12 pm ET / 10-11 am CT / 9-10 am MT / 8-9 am PT

Facilitator Bill Redwine, Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary Services, Morehead State University, will help clarify how "cloud computing" might affect your auxiliary operation. Join in to learn more about the concept of Cloud Computing... what it is (there are lots of folks who don’t know), how it can help/hurt auxiliaries, best practices in implementing it, and more. Click here to learn how to join the conversation.