Student Author Contest
This is the perfect opportunity for a student on your campus to get involved in NACAS and win a cash prize! Entries have to be on the topic "How is your campus auxiliary services making an impact in the area of sustainability? What additional changes could be made; how would those changes impact the student base on campus and you personally?" and submitted by March 1, 2016.

A grand prize winner will be awarded $1,000 and have their article published in the College Services magazine, a second place winner will be awarded $600 and have their article published in the College Services Monthly, and a third place winner will be awarded $400 and have their article published in the College Services Monthly. All prizes are courtesy of Starbucks. Learn more

Attend a NACAS Institute.
In-depth cohort learning incorporating small group seminars, operational knowledge opportunities, case study work, and group presentations. Hosted by member institutions and business partners, these institutes are specifically designed to cover all levels of experience!