KSHE Update
Tuesday, August 07, 2018
President's Message
It has only been a few weeks since the ASHE Technical Conference in Seattle Washington. The event was a success with attendance estimated at over 4,000 participants representing all 50 states and several countries. I would not be exaggerating to say the conference center was a "Sea of People". Always a good venue to learn the latest in technology, regulatory compliance, operational management, energy conservation and much more. It is also a good time to meet up with old friends and meet new, develop contacts and resources to help us perform our jobs effectively.
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Kentucky Spotlight
Baptist Health Paducah's John and Loree Eckstein Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) received Level III approval from the state of Kentucky, having converted six of its beds from Level II to III earlier this year.
KentuckyOne Health's Saint Joseph Hospital received the honor from the Infectious Diseases Society of America for its antimicrobial stewardship programs, which met the high standards set by the Center for Disease Control.
Education and Training
For those of you who did not attend the annual ASHE conference in Seattle, you might have still felt the seismic activity here at home. The educational efforts of KSHE over these many years were on display at many of the venues. From the leadership meeting to the Region 3 meeting during seminars and even during current ASHE president Brad Taylor's business meeting message, the culmination of KSHE chapter and educational efforts were shaking Seattle.
September 18-20, 2018, Owensboro Convention Center
The Healthcare Coalition Conference consistently delivers top-notch educational content, hours of continuing education credits, and ongoing opportunities to discuss emerging issues and best practices with colleagues, vendors, and consultants. The conference is designed to meet the educational needs of health care engineers, professionals involved in managing safety and security in healthcare facilities, and professionals in health care supply chain and materials management.

The program is approved by ASHE for 12.25 contact hours and 1.25 CEUs. Registration is currently open.

September 17, 2018, Owensboro, Kentucky

KSHE membership has long supported the concept of certifying contractors who wish to work in their Kentucky hospitals. The emphasis is on “certification” because at the end of this one-day program, there is a certification exam. Those who pass the exam will be designated “Certified Healthcare Contractor.” This certification will be valid for three years.

 Learn more about our certification programs here or contact email info@kshe.org for further clarification.

DLOM Group
ASHE Update
American Society for Health Care Engineering
At its 55th Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition, held July 15-18 in Seattle, the American Society for Health Care Engineering recognized a number of ASHE members for their important professional work.
Health Facilities Management
Sorting out industry standards and adhering to code is a concern for every health care facilities professional. ASHE is working to make the task easier by unifying, simplifying and aligning these various requirements and specifications.
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Environmental Safety Technologies, Inc.
Environmental Safety Technologies is a full service Industrial Hygiene firm, an AIHA Accredited Environmental Microbiological Laboratory and CDC ELITE Legionella laboratory. We provide consultation to healthcare facilities regarding healthcare construction, infection prevention and Legionella risk assessments.
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Your Facilities Management News
Healthcare Facilities Today
Health care facility renovation and construction projects are increasingly geared towards enhancing patient experiences and keeping apace with a moving market.
Healthcare Design
Patients are being "boarded" - held in the emergency department after being admitted as inpatients due to a lack of beds - at an ever-increasing rate. The overcrowding that inevitably results from the practice might at least be partially alleviated with design measures.
Healthcare Facilities Today
With technology playing an ever-more-vital role in health care facilities, any neglect in the area on the part of management can lead to negative consequences for patients, staff and visitors.
DLOM Group
Sustainability Spotlight
KSHE is hosting its first annual statewide competition among hospitals and other healthcare facilities to save energy and protect the climate. Competitors will work off excessive energy use through improvements in energy efficiency with help from KSHE, ASHE, and the Energy to Care program. The facilities that shed the most energy consumption will be recognized as the winners. KSHE is offering prizes and recognition to members who help their buildings become top energy and water savers!
Green products are all the rage. How can health care facility professionals find those that suit their needs and put them to good use?
Contagion Live
Going green is difficult, especially in hospitals, clinics and other health care centers. Efforts to promote sustainability can lead to infectious disease risks, if not analyzed and executed properly.
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