Spice Up Your Kitchen For Spring

By applying the right choice of paint and a little creativity, a kitchen can undergo a tasteful makeover at little cost.

That’s the message of leading paint brand Sico, in unveiling two cutting-edge, eco-friendly products designed to transform kitchens with the stroke of a paint brush. Called Sico GoPrime All-in-One and Sico Furniture and Cabinets Paint, the first-of-their-kind, heavy-duty alkyd emulsion products enable homeowners to give their kitchens a high-quality, long-lasting lift without the expense of having to change cabinets, counter tops or backsplash. The paints work well on any surface, from melamine, wood and medium-density fibreboard (MDF) to thermoplastic, ceramic tile and glass.

A breakthrough technological innovation, the two products – made from an original formula that blends alkyd emulsion in a water-based paint – are low-VOC (volatile organic compound) water-based paints, yet perform like alkyds, or oil-based paints. The GoPrime All-in-One primer seals any surface – even those previously painted with oil – and provides an even, adherent canvas for the top coat. Delivering an ultra-smooth, super-resistant finish that protects against marks, scratches, water rings and moisture, the Furniture and Cabinets Paint is ideal for surfaces that are exposed to daily contact, such as furniture, cabinets, doors, walls and trim.

"The launch of our new paint is in large part a response to consumer demand for high-performing kitchen paints that are as durable and scrubbable as oil-based paints, but are easier on the environment," said Dominique Pépin, Marketing Manager for Sico, explaining that the popularity of alkyd paints is rapidly declining due to their high-VOC content. "With Canadian government legislation requiring paint companies to lower VOC levels in their products, alkyd paints will ultimately disappear from the market."

"Each of Sico’s two new products exceeds Canadian standards for VOC content and combines the best of both worlds – the durability of alkyd, and the ease of use and clean-up of water-based paint," Pépin said, emphasizing that the formula enables the beauty of furniture and cabinets to be preserved for much longer than traditional water-based paints. An added bonus is that the paints have virtually no odour, are spatter-free, and dry in a fraction of the time of oil-based paints – between four and six hours, she explained.

Hungering to renovate your kitchen but don’t know where to start? Follow this recipe for success from Sico:

Cook up a plan: Look beyond the walls of your kitchen and consider what other surfaces in the room can be given a lift. Besides walls and ceilings, cabinets, countertops, rangehoods, buffets, tables, chairs and backsplashes are all good candidates for a fresh coat of paint. Painting kitchen fixtures means that you can enjoy an up-to-date look without the expense of buying new items.

Preparation is key ingredient: Preparation can make or break a project, so before lifting a brush, ensure that the surface to be painted is ready. The surface must be clean and free of all traces of dust, dirt, oil, mold and mildew. Wash with a universal cleaner, and once completely dry, sand the surface using sandpaper (120-grit for previously-painted surfaces and 150-grit for synthetic surfaces like melamine) to ensure good adherence of the primer and paint.

Dish out the right products: After preparation, all that is needed is a good quality paint to ensure a successful, long-lasting job, especially in a high-traffic area like the kitchen. The ideal application tool for doors and trim is a high-quality synthetic (nylon or polyester) bristle brush. For the other surfaces, a shorter (five-millimetre) pile roller or sponge roller will do the trick. Remove all hardware, such as hinges, door handles and light switch covers, to ensure they stay paint-free.

Develop an appetite for colour: When it comes to colour, the kitchen is an ideal area to try bolder tones since it has minimal wall space and a splash of colour serves to liven up, rather than overpower, the room. While neutral tones are generally preferred for cabinets, a brighter wall or backsplash colour can give a kitchen a dynamic look. Good colour choices for kitchens include shades of sunny yellow, vibrant green, blue or turquoise, such as Sico’s Satin (6112-31) yellow, Apple Sorbet (6123-53) green, Porcelain Plate (6010-63) blue, and Movie Star (6148-31) turquoise.

About Sico (www.sico.ca)
Sico is a brand of AkzoNobel, the Canadian leader in decorative paints serving the consumer, professional renovation and construction markets. AkzoNobel produces and supplies a wide range of paints, coatings and specialty chemicals, including the leading Sico brand. The company employs nearly 2,000 people in three manufacturing plants, four distribution centres and more than 225 corporate stores across Canada. Dedicated to delivering high performance solutions and quality products, AkzoNobel has unrivalled technical expertise that meets the current and future needs of its customers.