LBMAO Reporter Readership Survey
We thank all those who participated in our readership survey and we appreciate your comments. We are pleased to report that overall the Reporter magazine is widely read and provides timely and informative editorials and information to its readers. Our advertisers appreciate that the majority of those who receive the magazine read every issue and that the magazine has high retention in the businesses it is sent to. The summary of the readership survey is listed below:
Question 1
How often do you typically read the LBMAO Reporter Magazine?
Every Issue: 86.0%
Most Issues: 9.3%
Occasionally: 2.3%
Never: 2.3%
Question 2
How long do you typically keep an issue of the LBMAO Reporter magazine?
More than one month: 55.8%
Up to one month: 37.2%
Up to one week: 6.9%
Discard Immediately: 0
Question 3
How many other people in your organization read the LBMAO Reporter magazine?
None: 0
1 to 2: 16.2%
3 to 4: 55.8%
5 to 9: 18.6%
10 : 4.6%
Don’t know: 4.6%
Question 4
What sections do you normally read (select all that apply)?
Message from the Chair: 74.4%
Message from the President: 76.7%
Ottawa Report: 34.8%
Insurance Update: 25.5%
Calendar of Events: 62.7%
Industry News: 93.0%
Features: 95.3%
The comments were very positive from our readers and overall they asked us to keep them informed about new products and services; and they would like to see more profiles of member businesses. We will endeavor to meet your expectations!
The two winners of the $140.00 Visa gift cards are: Harvey de Leeuw, TIM-BR Mart, Kincardine and Brian Mawhiney, 'TFI' Total Forest Industries Ltd, Hagersville.